Research Cluster: Smart Cities

The cluster examines the technical, socio-technical, socio-economic and economic issues concerning the digital transformation of cities. Its focus is on solving urban problems and promoting sustainable urban development.
- Data platforms
- Digital services
- Sustainable traffic planning
- Open innovation and service design with active citizen participation
- Smart waste
- Smart Mobility
- The use and habituation of information systems
- Strunk, J.; Ebner, K.; Anschütz, C.; Smolnik, S. (2024): Sorting the trash: How Systems for Smart Waste Management Enhance Sustainable Development in Smart Cities –A Systematic Review, Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2024).
- Bockshecker, A., Ebner, K. und Smolnik, S. (2022): Building Smart City Knowledge and Competences Using Problem-Based Learning in a Blended Learning Environment, Building on Smart Cities' Skills and Competences, Panos Fitsilis (Ed.): Springer Nature.
- Anschütz, C.; Ebner, K.; Smolnik, S. (2022): Reifegradmodell für Smart Cities – Ein Steuerungsinstrument für Smart-City-Initiativen kleiner und mittelgroßer Städte, Controlling – Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung.
- Anschütz, C.; Ebner, K.; Smolnik, S.: Free Ride in Rush-hour Traffic – Designing Gamified Smart Mobility Systems for Sustainable Use. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), 12–14 December 2022, Copenhagen.
- Kappler, K. E.; Ebner, K.; Smolnik, S. (2022): We are smart, smarter, the smartest?! – Smart systems beyond optimization, in Tagungsband des IUG (Informatik & Gesellschaft)-Workshops 2022 „Zukunft gestalten“ im Rahmen der Informatik 2022, 27 September 2022.
- Bockshecker, A., Ebner, K. und Smolnik, S. (2022): Building Smart City Knowledge and Competences Using Problem-Based Learning in a Blended Learning Environment, in Building on Smart Cities' Skills and Competences, Panos Fitsilis (ed.): Springer Nature.
- Anschütz, C.; Ebner, K.; Smolnik, S. (2021): Needs for Speed - Categorizing commuter types in the context of smart mobility systems, in Proceedings of the 40th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), 14–16 June, Marrakesch, Morocco.
- Anschütz, C.; Ibisch, J.; Ebner, K.; Smolnik, S. (2021): Gestaltung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Prognose des Verkehrsaufkommens im Kontext von Smart-Mobility-Lösungen, in Tagungsband der 16. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021), 9–11 March, Duisburg-Essen.
- Christian Anschütz, M. Sc. (Business Information Systems)
- Dr. Katharina Ebner (Business Information Systems)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik (Business Information Systems)
- Prof. Dr. Uta Störl (Databases and Information Systems)
- Valerie Restat (Databases and Information Systems)
- Kevin Kramer (Databases and Information Systems)

Dr. Katharina Ebner
Cluster Spokesperson
Email: katharina.ebner
Phone: +49 2331 987-2562
E/E/S Research Center
| 06.02.2025