Dr. Julia Lena Reinermann
Email: julia.reinermann
Institutional Affiliation
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Environmental Sciences
Department Chair: Prof. Dr. George Deerberg
Research Interests
(in the fields covered by the research center)
Communication of and about sustainability: For many years, I have been involved in the field of sustainability and climate communication. Broadly speaking, I orient myself on the following issues: How do people perceive guiding principles such as sustainable development and scientifically identified phenomena like climate change in their daily lives? How do they communicate about this and to what extent does this influence the way they live? Also, in which way do media figures influence this communication?
Democratization of technology: I am interested in the handling and use of (risk) technology in society. In my qualitative research, I examine which conditions lead to acceptance, resistance, and protest and what role participation and communication plays in this. How can we design processes in such a way that various players are brought into the evaluation and estimation of the possible consequences of technologies?
Collaborations in sustainability and environmental research: In this area, my main interest is how players in inter- and transdisciplinary research settings can work together and which methods need to be used in order to achieve cross-disciplinary understanding. How can we create socially robust knowledge, e.g., when researchers, artists and/or citizens (e.g., “citizen science”) work together? Which methods and processes are best suited to testing out these collaborations but also to research them?
(in the fields covered by the research center)
- Fischer, D., et al: “Sustainable consumption communication: A review of an emerging field of research.” In: Journal of Cleaner Production 300: 126880 (2021). DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126880
- Kamlage, J.-H., et al: “Von Konflikt und Dialog: Manifestationen der Energiewende in den Transformationsfeldern Netzausbau, Biogas und Windkraft (i.E.).” In: Duttmann, Kühne, u.a. (Hg.): Landschaft als Prozess. Wiesbaden, 2020. pp. 603–633. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-30934-3_29
- Kamlage, J.-H., et al: “Fighting fruitfully? Participation and conflict in the context of electricity grid extension in Germany.” In: Utilities Policy 64: 101022 (2020). DOI:10.1016/j.jup.2020.101022
- Gabler, J., et al: “Partizipative Governance und nachhaltiger Strulturwandel. Zwischenstand und Handlungsmöglichkeiten in der Lausitz und im Rheinischen Revier.” 2020. Working Paper. DOI: 10.2312/iass.2020.037
- Reinermann, J.: “Wirkendes Vertrauen-Schenken – Die Thematisierung von Gefühlen auf politischen Nachhaltigkeitsfestivals. Eine Grounded-Theory-Studie.” 2019. Dissertationsschrift. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/70715