The EU Constitution in a Time of Polycrisis: Success rather than Failure
Termin: 15.09.2022 / 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Gebäude 2 der FernUniversität, Raum 1-2 (EG), Universitätsstr. 33, 58097 Hagen
Referent: Prof. Dr. Andrew Glencross, Associate Professor for Political Science and Deputy Director for International Affairs at ESPOL, the European School of Political and Social Science at the Catholic University of Lille
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Dimitris-Tsatsos-Institut für Europäische Verfassungswissenschaften (DTIEV)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schiffauer, stellv. Direktor des Dimitris-Tsatsos-Instituts für Europäische Verfassungswissenschaften, FernUniversität in Hagen
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Ort: Gebäude 2 der FernUniversität, Raum 1-2, Universitätsstr. 33, 58097 Hagen
Summary: It was Abraham Lincoln who warned, shortly before the start of the US Civil War, that a house divided against itself cannot stand. This lecture takes inspiration from this quote to examine how the EU can overcome the internal divisions that have characterized the past decade of European integration. The Eurozone crisis, Brexit, COVID-19 and the dispute over the rule of law have all shaken the EU’s constitutional edifice. Drawing on insights from comparative federalism and the study of European disintegration, the lecture reflects on the constitutional flexibility that has so far allowed the EU to overcome so many divisions. At the same time, the case of Brexit – and potentially the rule of law crisis – shows that crises pitting rival conceptions of national and supranational democracy against each other are particularly dangerous.
Andrew Glencross is Associate Professor of Political Science and Deputy Director for International Affairs at ESPOL, the European School of Political and Social Science at the Catholic University of Lille. He grew up in the north of England and is a graduate of the University of Cambridge (BA Social and Political Studies and M.Phil. Historical Studies) as well as a former Joseph Hodges Choate Fellow at Harvard University from 2000-2001. His PhD studies took him to Florence, where he completed his dissertation at the European University Institute under the masterful supervision of Friedrich Kratochwil. From 2008-2010, Andrew had the pleasure of being a lecturer in the International Relations Program at the University of Pennsylvania. After returning to Europe in 2010, he taught at the University of Aberdeen, the University of Stirling, and Aston University before joining ESPOL in September 2021.
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