Janis Walter, M.A.


Janis Walter Photo: Johanna Hoffmann

Email: janis.walter

Phone: +49 2331 987-4059

Room: A210, Building 5


  • since March 2024: Academic online tutor at the Chair of "Adult and Continuing Education"
  • Teaching Module: “Management und Durchführung einer Projektarbeit” (Module 3B, B.A. Bildungswissenschaft)
  • 05/2022–03/2024: Research Associate at FernUniversität in Hagen, Chair Adult and Continuing Education
  • SoSe 2022: lecturer for the B.A. seminar “Biopolitik: Macht und Leben bei Michel Foucault und in der Rezeption” at the Institute for Philosophy, FU Berlin
  • 06/2021: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin
  • WiSe 2019/20: lecturer for the B.A. seminar “Theorieansätze: Politikwissenschaften” at the department for social and educational sciences of the FH Potsdam
  • 02/2017: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Philosophy, Political Sciences and Korean Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
  • since April 2011: freelance lecturer in youth and adult education