
Understanding the Success of Strategic IT Benchmarking – Exploring the Role of the Individual Level
Ebner, Katharina
Müller, Benjamin
Ahlemann, Frederik
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
erschienen in:
Information & Management, Band 56, Ausgabe 5, 2019, S. 640-656. {Link}

IT organizations use strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) to improve business-IT alignment or for developing IT strategies. However, SITBM often does not result in the desired outcomes. Because the extant literature does not contribute to improving SITBM success, we conduct a deductive-inductive study to understand which factors distinguish successful and unsuccessful SITBM. We find that traditional project-level factors do not explain SITBM success; they are necessary but not sufficient. Rather, we show that the individual level is instrumental for explaining SITBM success, especially by ensuring the buy-in of relevant project team members – a perspective not yet discussed by pertinent literature.

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 10.05.2024