
Dropout in Distance Education and how to Prevent it
Vogel, Cathrin
Hochberg, Jana
Hackstein, Sarah
Bockshecker, Alina
Bastiaens, Theo J.
Baumöl, Ulrike
Beiträge in referierten Konferenzbänden
erschienen in:
EdMedia + Innovate Learning, 25. Juni, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018, Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC, S. 1788-1799. {Link}

In this paper, we derive suggestions on how students in distance educational university settings can be supported not to abandon their studying. We examine student personas of dropout reasons on the base of a review and content analysis on research about dropout and combine these with categories that describe students’ characteristics of distance university students. Suggestions on how to support these personas are based on the use of ICT in teaching and organizational processes. Amongst others, we recommend providing students a flexible learning environment that adapts their needs on structure, dialogue, and autonomy.

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 10.05.2024