
Academic Media Architecture for Digital Learning Environments in Higher Education
Bockshecker, Alina
Großer, Birgit
Hackstein, Sarah
Hochberg, Jana
Schellberg, Ulrike
Vogel, Cathrin
Baumöl, Ulrike
Völzmann-Stickelbrock, Barbara
Bastiaens, Theo
Beiträge in referierten Konferenzbänden
erschienen in:
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), 06.-09. März, Lüneburg, 2018, S. 869-880. {Link}

Digitalization and emerging technologies influence higher education and especially students and lecturers in many ways. The following paper develops two artefacts: First of all, a meta-model for student profiles as a basis for understanding their requirements and secondly, an academic media architecture bridging the gap between the changing requirements of students, institutions, companies and the government. The requirements evolve with the ongoing digitalization and the different possibilities of effective media use in higher education. The academic media architecture allows for universities to analyze their current media use but also to support the target-oriented implementation of a redesigned architecture in order to remain competitive with competitors entering the higher education market, such as Udacity and eVersity.

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 10.05.2024