
Olivia Hornung angenommen zum Doctoral Consortium der HICSS-53 2020


53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 6, 2020, Maui, Hawaii, US

Wir freuen uns, dass unsere Mitarbeiterin Olivia Hornung mit ihrem Promotionsexposé "Personal virtual assistants and the economics of convention: Understanding the employee" zum vierten "HICSS Doctoral Fellows Program and Doctoral Consortium" eingeladen wurde. Das renommierte Doctoral Consortium wird am Tag vor der 53. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53) durchgeführt, die vom 07.01.2020 bis zum 10.01.2020 im Grand Wailea auf Maui, Hawaii, USA, stattfindet.

Zusammenfassung: Personal virtual assistants are demanded to effectively fulfil and support employee’s tasks in organizations. Today, existing personal virtual assistants are mainly limited to take over simple administrative tasks, thus limiting their potential long-term impact employees and organizations as a whole. To overcome this shortcoming, we introduce the pragmatic perspective of the Economics of Conventions (EC) to analyze and understand the employees’ plural motives and behaviors that may explain sustained or fragmented use of personal virtual assistants in organizations. In doing so, we provide a deepened understanding of the success of personal virtual assistants and offer new avenues for future research by calling for a more holistic theoretical foundation of organizational artificial intelligence solutions that consider and represent organizations and their employees in their complexity, respectively their plural orders of worth.

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 10.05.2024