
Professor Stefan Smolnik und Dr. Katharina Ebner auf der HICSS-52 aktiv


52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 8-11, 2018, Maui, Hawaii, US

Der Artikel "Are You Responsible for Traffic Congestion? A Systematic Review of the Socio-technical Perspective of Smart Mobility Services" von Dr. Katharina Ebner, Patrick Mattes und Professor Stefan Smolnik wurden zur Präsentation und Veröffentlichung auf der 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52) angenommen. Die HICSS-52 findet vom 08.01.2019 bis zum 11.01.2019 im Grand Wailea auf Maui, Hawaii, USA, statt. Dr. Katharina Ebner präsentiert diesen Artikel im Rahmen der HICSS-52.

Darüber hinaus ist Professor Stefan Smolnik Mitausrichter von zwei Minitracks auf der HICSS-52. Den Minitrack "Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements" richtet er zusammen mit den Professoren Murray E. Jennex (San Diego State University) und David T. Croasdell (University of Nevada in Reno) aus; den Minitrack "Creation and Appropriation of Knowledge Systems" zusammen mit den Professoren Pierre Hadaya und David Holford (beide Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada).

Katharina Ebner, Patrick Mattes, Stefan Smolnik: Are You Responsible for Traffic Congestion? A Systematic Review of the Socio-technical Perspective of Smart Mobility Services

Zusammenfassung: A large amount of the pollution of modern cities is caused by individual transportation. Hence, many road users suffer from stress, emissions and noise. Smart mobility services can help improving the situation by distributing traffic more consistently across different routes, times, and transportation modes. These services comprise two dimensions, a technical and a socio-technical. The latter addresses the road user’s role as data and knowledge provider and stresses the road user’s role in actively contributing to relieved traffic. As such, road users display one of the strongest levers to sustainably relieve traffic both in terms of knowledge providers and traffic actors. Using a systematic analysis of 28 publications, we show that existing SMob services show several chal-lenges related to the involvement of road users. We call for more research on SMob services that account for long-term user involvement e.g. by positively in-fluences road users’ practices and routines.

(HICSS-52 Homepage)

Foto: BAS-Lehrstuhl
Dr. Katharina Ebner
Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 10.05.2024