Lektorats-Service Englisch: Studienmaterial

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by Daniel Löhlein

You’ve spent countless hours crafting your text in English, whether it’s a full-length Studienbrief, some exercises and sample solutions, or a presentation for your course. Finally, you’re done. However, you’re not quite sure if you used all those idioms and phrases correctly, if your wording is precise, or if all your commas are in the right place. Don’t despair—I’m here to help!

A thoughtful editor and meticulous proofreader, I’m the latest addition to the FernUniversität’s team of language experts. Since May 2020, I’ve assisted lecturers with revising their teaching material, and I can do the same for you.

To make your text look polished and professional, I will carefully work through each line, fixing errors and ensuring your writing is clear and consistent.

When editing your document, I address the following:

  • Spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Diction and usage
  • Consistency of capitalization, hyphenation, abbreviations, etc.
  • American vs. British English
  • Gender-neutral and inclusive language

Of course, you have the liberty to accept or reject each edit as you see fit.

Please do get in touch if you’d like to discuss your project or have any questions!

Daniel Löhlein
daniel.loehlein@fernuni-hagen.de or via Microsoft Teams

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