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Workshop / Phd Seminar Autonomous Systems 2011

Workshop Autonomous Systems

More and more technical systems nowadays have to work autonomous and without direct user control. So there are great demands on these often even distributed working information systems. These demands include reliability, security, the capability for real time operation, adoption, and self organization. Components or sub-systems typically have to cooperate with each other, without having a holistic view and much less having control over the complete system.

The local distribution of processing, storage, and workflow-control define the determining factors for the design of new communication protocols and for purely local working algorithms as many relevant research papers show. Techniques of structure building and concepts for mulicriterial and fuzzy decision-making are essential instruments for solving the upcoming problems.

This workshop is intended to discuss current results in this research area. The participants should get new ideas for finding solutions for yet unsolved problems and discuss new perspective for cooperative work in informal meetings. We intend to provide an inspiring, creative environment that makes it easy to become acquainted with others in that way, that this workshop will give a personal gain for all participants. The contributions for the workshop will be published in written form within the series Studies in Computational Intelligence with Springer Verlag.

Phd Seminar

This workshop originally arose from a phd seminar having the same name. It was organized since 2008 by W. Halang, Z. Li, and H. Unger (all from Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany). Like in the last years, this phd seminar will be part of this event again.

In this part of the workshop, young scientists should present their first results, and get the chance, to intensely discuss the concepts and results of their research work with colleagues and academic supervisors.

Supported by Fernuniversität Hagen, and the technical comittee Realtime Systems of Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. [externer Link] .

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