Julia Nießner

Julia Nießner
Research Assistant
Email: julia.niessner
Collaborator on the projects ExPro and ZUZ KI NRW
WED Research Professorship for Educational Technologies in Digital Transformation
Julia Nießner completed her bachelor of science in “Business Informatics” at the Fontys University of applied Science in the Netherlands. During this time, she spent an ERASMUS-sponsored semester at “INSEEC” in Chambéry (France), focusing on “International Trade.” Alongside her university studies, Julia also gathered practical working experience at a leading autombile manufacturer and an international IT service provider. In cooperation with the latter, she wrote her bachelor thesis on the subject “Digital Twins – Power Prediction for Wind Turbines.”
After successfully completing her bachelor’s degree, Julia started a master’s in business informatics (M.Sc.) at the University of Siegen. She successfully completed her master’s in February 2021 following the submission of her thesis “Entwurf, Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Empfehlungssystems für Kochrezepte” (Design, development and evaluation of a recommendation system for cooking recipes).
From March 2021 till the end of April 2023, Julia worked as a research assistant at the University of Siegen in the Chair of Cyber-Physiccal Systems under Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig. Since May 2023, she has been employed at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Her current focus is on supporting a project to develop a regional future center for artificial intelligence as well as the ExPro research project.