Department of East Asian Law
FernUniversität in Hagen, Universitätsstraße 11, 58097 Hagen
Building 3, 1st floor, rooms E08 & E09
E-Mail: japanrecht / eastasianlaw
Telephone: +49 2331 987-4527
Telephone hours: Mon., Tue., & Fri.: 9am – 2pm & Wed. 11am – 4pm (DE, EN, JPN)
Latest News 2025
Intercultural Dialogue with Japanese Exchange Students
On 06 February 2025, the Department of East Asian Law co-organised an intercultural dialogue with students from Waseda University at the University of Hagen Campus Centre in Leipzig. The event was attended by department staff member Wataru Ono and co-organised by Jun-Prof Dr Weitzdörfer, who, as an alumnus of Waseda University, was particularly pleased to be involved in this exchange for the third time.
New Department Name and English-language Website
In light of the new executive education programmes on Korean and Taiwanese law, the Department of Japanese Law has been renamed the Department of East Asian Law as of 01 February 2025. This is the latest development in the thirty-five-year history of Japanese Law as a field of study at the University of Hagen, originally founded in 1990 as a specialisation on study and research of Japanese Law and in 2000 as an Institute for Japanese Law. On the same occasion, an English-language website has been set up, which covers all content of the German one.
- Link: Development of the department since 1990
Guest Lecture on Criminal Policy in Japan and DJJV Regulars' Table
From 10 to 11 November 2024, the Department's team met for its fourth intensive workshop at the University of Hagen Campus Centre in Leipzig. On 11 November Prof Dr Utsumi (Yokohama National University, currently University of Halle) delivered a guest lecture on the topic of "Criminal Policy in Japan". The German-Japanese Lawyers' Association (DJJV) subsequently hostet a get-together.
- Poster: Criminal Policy in Japan (PDF 178 KB)
- Recording: Criminal Policy in Japan
Julius Weitzdörfer in an Interview with Die Zeit (German Newspaper)
In late September 2024, at the biennial conference of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge, Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer was interviewed by Die Zeit on the research field of existential risk.
- Full text: Da droht was - Article in Die Zeit
- Original article: Article on Die Zeit's website
Julius Weitzdörfer in an Interview with Deutschlandfunk (German Radio)
In late September 2024, at the biennial conference of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge, Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer talked about the topic of existential risks with Deutschlandfunk.
- Podcast (timestamp 03:16): Weltuntergangs-Wissenschaft
Julius Weitzdörfer in Interviews with Allgemeine Zeitung (German Newspaper)
In the editions of 24 and 30 July 2024, Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer was interviewed about remand in custody in Japan; the background was an alleged case of rape involving a Japanese football player in the Bundesliga.
- Full text: "Zermürbungstaktik" keine Seltenheit - Article in Allgemeine Zeitung (PDF 196 KB)
- Original article: Article on Allgemeine Zeitung's website
- Full text: Sano ist frei und äußert sich - Article in Allgemeine Zeitung (PDF 183 KB)
- Original article: Article on Allgemeine Zeitung's website
Guest Lecture on the Future of Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia
On 11 July 2024, Hong Kong dissident Nathan Law, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize several times, met Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer for a public discussion. This event was jointly organised by the Dimitris-Tsatsos-Institute for European Constitutional Studies and the Junior Professorship of East Asian Law.
- Poster: The Future of Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia (PDF 471 KB)
- Recording: The Future of Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia
- Link: Website of the Event
Partnership Agreement with Dōshisha Law School Kyōto
In June 2024, a partnership agreement between the Faculty of Law of the FernUniversität and the Dōshisha Law School in Kyōto, initiated by Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer, came into effect. This agreement allows for reciprocal research and study trips, the exchange of students and teaching materials as well as joint events.
The Department‘s Work on Taiwanese Law
During a research trip to Taiwan in May 2024, Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer and Leonard Kosub from the Department's team succeeded in recruiting a dozen Taiwanese experts as contributors to study material for the forthcoming executive education programme on Taiwanese law. They met various experts in thirteen appointments at five different universities and at the German Institute Taipei.
Student Study Trip to Japanese Judicial Institutions
At the end of March 2024, Jun-Prof Weitzdörfer accompanied a study trip organised by Prof Rosenau (Halle). More than a dozen institutions throughout Japan, including the National Diet, courts, the police and Japan's largest prison, were visited. Legal study trips from Hagen to Japan have already enjoyed great popularity in the past and will be offered again in identical form as soon as possible.
- Link: Short report with photos
Third Intensive Workshop of the Department of Japanese Law
From 01 to 03 March 2024, the team of the Department met for its third intensive workshop on the Berlin campus.
Obituary for Professor Dr Dr hc Masasuke Ishibe
The Department of Japanese Law mourns the loss of an outstanding Japanese legal scholar. An obituary was published in ZJapanR No. 57 (2024).
- Preprint: Obituary for Professor Ishibe (in German) (PDF 55 KB)
- Full text: Obituary for Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Masasuke Ishibe (in German)
Guest Lecture on the Reforms of the Law of Obligations in Japan and Germany
The guest lecture "Reforms of the law of obligations in Japan and Germany: A comparative law retrospective" by Prof Andreas Bergmann (FernUniversität in Hagen) and Prof Keizō Yamamoto (Kyōto University) on 19 January 2024 was moderated by Dr Anna Katharina Suzuki-Klasen and Jun-Prof Julius Weitzdörfer.
- Poster: Reforms of the Law of Obligations in Japan and Germany (PDF 282 KB)
- Recording: Reforms of the Law of Obligations in Japan and Germany
Relaunch of the Executive Education Programme "Foundations of Japanese Law"
Beginning 01 January 2024, the executive education programme "Foundations of Japanese Law" was relaunched with updated and augmented course material.
- Further information and introductory video: Executive education programme website
Prior Research Activities of the Department
Information on research activities of the department between 1996 and 2023 can be found here.
Development of the Department
The Department of East Asian Law can look back on a 35-year long history. As early as 1990 its predecessor existed at the chair of Prof Dr Dr hc Eisenhardt in form of a specialisation on study and research of Japanese law. Starting at the year 2000, there was a separate Institute for Japanese Law, which was integrated into the Institute for International Legal Relations as Department of Japanese Law in 2016 and headed by Prof Dr Hans-Peter Marutschke. Since September 2020, Jun-Prof Dr Julius Weitzdörfer LLB BA Dipl Jur MA (Cantab) has been working as Junior Professor of East Asian Law at the University of Hagen. Under his leadership, the Department will be further developed and modernised.
The tasks of the Department are wide-ranging. One particularly important area is the further development and expansion of degree programmes in East Asian law. First and foremost is the „Foundations of Japanese Law“ course, which is organised as an executive education programme in accordance with § 62 HG NRW. Furthermore, an elective module called "Introduction to Japanese Law" has been integrated into the undergraduate Master of Laws (LLM) programme at the University of Hagen, which is offered by the Department every semester. In addition to teaching and supervising theses, the Department has its own research focus, which has gained recognition in Germany and Japan.
The Department maintains contacts with the law faculties and law schools of all important state and private universities in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. This network has been made possible by the involvement of numerous well-known Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese professors in the degree programmes on East Asian law and in various research projects. Formal cooperation with the Dōshisha Law School was established in 2024. Similar collaborations are being prepared with the aim of enabling short study trips to Korea and Taiwan for participants in the respective executive education programme. In addition, students from these universities are to be offered a platform for the comparative study of German law and for the preparation of short study visits to Germany.