Dr. Eva Lexutt (Substitute Professor)

Eva Lexutt (Substitute Professor) Photo: Marco Wehler

Email: eva.lexutt

Phone: +49 2331 987-4938

Room: A126, building 7

Teaching: 31561 Dienstleistungskonzeptionen

Social Media: ResearchGate Xing LinkedIn

Curriculum Vitae

01/2013 – 09/2019 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.)
Douglas Endowed Chair of Service Management
FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany)
10/2009–03/2011 Master of Science in International Marketing
Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
09/2005–10/2009 Diploma in Marketing and Communication
Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
09/2007–07/2008 Erasmus Exchange
Universität Trier (Germany)
Professional Experience
05/2024 Substitute professor
FernUniversität in Hagen
Douglas Endowed Chain of Service Management
09/2023 - 04/2024 maternity leave
04/2023 - 06/2023 Research stay
Linköping University,
Industrial Engineering Department,
Center of Business Model Innovation
02/2022 - 09/2022 Temporary replacement for the chair
Sickness replacement for Univ-Prof. Dr. Sabine Fliess,
FernUniversität in Hagen,
Douglas Endowed Chair of Service Management
since 04/2022 Academic Council (temporary)
FernUniversität in Hagen,
Douglas Endowed Chair of Service Management
since 01/2020 Postdoctoral Researcher
Douglas Endowed Chair of Service Management
FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany)
since 04/2016 Lecturer international management
Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie Hellweg-Sauerland GmbH,
Arnsberg (Germany)
07/2019-11/2019 Project Manager Quantitative Market Research
IMW Köln (Germany)
01/2013–12/2018 Research assistant
Douglas Endowed Chair of Service Management
FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany)
04/2012–12/2012 Marketing Specialist
Lödige Industries GmbH, Scherfede (Germany)
04/2011–03/2012 HR development assistant
Lödige Industries GmbH, Scherfede (Germany)

Research Interests

  • Organizational transformation, particularly servitization
  • Configuration theory and complex causality, particularly in success factor research
  • Sustainable Consumer Behavior
  • Methodological focus: Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Grounded Theory


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • Lexutt, E. (2025). Interplay of provider and customers factors for servitization success: a transaction cost theory approach, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 36 No.6, pp. 1-28.
  • Lexutt, E. (2020). Different roads to servitization success – A configurational analysis of financial and non-financial service performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 105-125
  • Fliess, S. & Lexutt, E. (2017). How to be successful with servitization – Guidelines for research and management. Industrial Marketing Management, 78, 58-75.

Book chapters

  • Fliess, S. & Lexutt, E. (2016). Erfolgsfaktoren der Service Transition – eine systematische Literaturanalyse. in: Bruhn, M. & Hadwich, K. Servicetransformation. Entwicklung vom Produktanbieter zum Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Springer

Conference Proceedings

  • Rösler, Jonathan / Lexutt, Eva / Friedli, Thomas (2023). Environmental configurations for successful digital servitization. Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, May 8-9, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Lexutt, Eva (2022). The role of gender-in-management research for servitization. Proceedings of the 12th SERVSIG-Conference 2022, June 16-18, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Lexutt, Eva & Rigopoulos, Konstantinos (2022). Salespeople driving sales growth for servitization – the role of ICT use, networking skills, and buyer-seller relationships. Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, May 9-10, Florence, Italy
  • Lexutt, Eva (2022): Unravelling the causal mechanisms of the service paradox, in: Proceedings of the QUIS17 - 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, January 12-14, Valencia, Spain.
  • Koehler, Tim / Lexutt, Eva / Fließ, Sabine (2022): Justifications of Tourists´Travel Behavior during the Covid19-Pandemic - a French Pragmatist Sociology Approach, in: Proceedings of the QUIS17 - 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, January 12-14, Valencia, Spain.
  • Lexutt, E. (2019). The role of customer related factors for servitization success – A two-step QCA. Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, May 13-15, Linköping, Sweden.
  • Lexutt, E. & Fliess, S. (2018). Disentangling the complex causalities of servitization success with qualitative comparative analysis. Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, May 14-16, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Lexutt, E. & Fliess, S. (2017). What servitization leaders do differently – A configurational analysis of the success factors of service transition. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference 2017, June 22-25, New York, USA.
  • Lexutt, E. & Fliess, S. (2017). Many roads lead to Rome – A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of the success factors of servitization. Proceedings of the QUIS15 Symposium 2017, June 12-15, Porto, Portugal.
  • Fließ, S. & Lexutt, E. (2014). Service transition from the customer perspective. Proceedings of the ISBM Biennial Academic Conference 2014, San Francisco, USA.


  • 2023: Best Paper Award, Spring Servitization Conference 2023
  • 2020: Bernd-Pederzani-Gedächtnispreis für herausragende Promotionen an der FernUniversität in Hagen,
    beste Dissertation des Jahres 2019 an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
  • Best Paper Award for the Category Case Study, Spring Servitization Conference 2019
  • Best Paper Award for the Category Case Study, Spring Servitization Conference 2018


    • International Journal of Production Research

    • International Journal of Production Economics

    • Winter AMA Academic Conference

    • Industrial Marketing Management

    • International Journal of Operations and Production Management

    • Sustainability

BWLDLM | 21.02.2025