Bildungswandeln 2014

“Bildungs-Wandel” (Educational Walk and Change) experienced first-hand
Became acquainted with new FernUni-Reality during a Walk

On 17th May 2014 the participants of the face-to-face seminar “Bildungswissenschaft an einem Tag” (Educational Science in One Day) could experience the FernUniversität two times first-hand. Prof. Dr. Theo J. Bastiaens, Head of the Department of Instructional Technology and Media at the Institute of Educational Science and Media Research, confronted the students with a new piece of FernUni Reality.

Since 2013 Prof. Bastiaens conveys “Bildungswissenschaft an einem Tag”, spanning a number of modules, to students of all branches of study at the FernUniversität to give them an overview about the scientific educational landscape. This year he broke in on the students before lunchtime with a new pilot-project: via Download of the Mobile App “Layar” and a walk on the campus, the students went in for a “Bildungs-Wandel” (an Educational Walk and Change) with eight stations, where they found out some interesting facts, took a Campus Memory home and went hunting for their lunch.

Within the “Bildungs-Wandel” (Educational Walk and Change) the participants discovered the campus. They got information about altered learning environments and about the topics “Networking” and “Educational Media”. Beyond that they could have their picture taken in front of the aerial photo of the FernUni and have a look at the exhibition in the former building TGZ about the FernUniversität’s history. Picture and certificate were immediately digitally available.

At each station the students got a letter to solve the solution at the last station in the lecture room. Here they could compare their experiences with other students and give feedback to the Department.

The most spectacular about this round tour was the special kind of realisation, which has been an embodiment of a “Bildungs-Wandel” (here: Educational Change) itself. The virtual form of presentation and the interactive way of realisation via the App “Layar” made this Educational Walk and Change first-hand tangible and accessible. The App as innovative tour guide enables the interaction with the world and creates novel digital experiences. Contents with the Layar App Logo or a QR-Code are scanned with a smartphone and displayed with additional information (here they could see the following lunch). This is possible due to the principle of “Augmented Reality”, keyword for the multimedia-based expansion of the perception of reality.

The “Bildungs-Wandel” (Educational Walk and Change) took place within the scope of the Social Software Project, which is fostered by the rectorship of the FernUniversität. The project aims at the investigation and implementation of an Instructional Design for the insertion of Social Software within Academic Teaching. Through this, empiric-verified recommendations shall be composed for lecturers and eLearning-developers to make full use of its potential.

Prof. Theo Bastiaens and Kerstin Burslam (Design) as well as the rest of the team at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media are pleased to present the results and hope to come to conclusions to drive the “Bildungs-Wandel” (here: Educational Change) at the FernUniversität in Hagen into the future.

Mediendidaktik | 10.05.2024