Chair Critical Educational Technology and Media Education

The multidimensionality of the present concept of digitization expresses the educational and pedagogical understanding of media didactics that is pursued in the Chair of Media Didactics at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Consequently, the chair of media didactics is particularly interested in researching biographical transitions (e.g. between school, undergraduate studies and occupation), in revealing collective knowledge structures regarding media and education in the context of their organization, as well as in (research) questions of professionalization and organization (development) in the face of digitalization and digitality. Additionally, 'traditional' media didactic questions around teaching and learning with (digital) media are discussed and researched. Two focal points in teaching and research are derived from the basic profile of media didactics:
Focus 1: Media didactics within the terms of digitalization and digitality.
The field of media didactics makes a substantial contribution to the discourse on where the subject is heading within the terms of digitalization and digitality. In the process, even those consequences of digitization are noticed, observed, analyzed, and reflected upon that are neither obvious in everyday life nor were intended when technology was developed for educational contexts. Media didactics thus overcomes its narrow view of teaching and learning events, and also turns to pressing questions of lifelong learning as well as digital (social) inequality caused by technology, data traces, etc. Current research projects such as "Aid", "DocTalk" or "WerteRadar" offer insight into the research perspective represented by the chair.
Focus 2: Documentary Media and Organizational Research
Not least due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the subjective, organizational, and societal consequences of digitalization and forms of digitality are coming into focus. Against this background, the field of media didactics also focuses on social practice in and with media. Using qualitative-reconstructive methods, the department researches the synergy between people and media or technology, so that not only how people deal with media comes into view, but also what people do with media can be experienced. The entire repertoire of empirical-qualitative social research is used to investigate individual questions, with particular attention being paid to documentary media and organizational research methods in current research projects.
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