Tools & More
The block “Tools & More” provides an insight into the results of our work here at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media at the FernUniverstiät in Hagen.
Within the scope of our research and teaching activities we have developed a Volitions Test plus an Interactive Web-Based Learning Environment and several eLearning products during the last years.
Diverse videostreamings provide interesting information about the Department of Instructional Technology and Media, about the Modules 2B and 3B in the Bachelors Degree Course B.A. Bildungswissenschaft (B.A. Educational Science) and beyond that about important events.
In the space of our current research project “Social Software” we have turned towards the still young topic MOOCs last Spring/Summer 2013. With two different MOOCs we could gain actively important experiences and consolidated findings for our research and teaching activities.