Intelligent System Adoption & Design

Intelligent systems, i.e. systems equipped with algorithms, sensors/actuators or interfaces for machine-to-machine or human-to-machine communication that exhibit observably targeted or adaptive behavior, influence a wide range of areas of economic and social life today. In the public sector, we focus on smart cities and smart mobility, two areas in which intelligent systems can not only contribute to addressing societal problems (e.g. traffic turnaround, sustainable waste behavior, new urban service models), but are also subject to particular attention and criticism due to their ability - and intention - to capture and influence human behavior. In an operational context, we are particularly investigating how established ambidextrous structures and innovation processes are changed by intelligent systems. To design adequate information systems in these areas, we draw on mechanisms of long-term acceptance and use of information systems, especially persuasive and adaptive systems, as well as on the possibilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Research Team
![]() Dr. Katharina Ebner | ![]() Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik |
![]() Christian Anschütz, M.Sc. | ![]() Meike Junker, B.Sc. |
- Strunk, Jobin; Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Persuade Oscar, the Grouch: A Design Approach for a Persuasive Gamified Smart Waste App, in Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-57), 3-6 January, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2024, 10 Seiten, forthcoming.
- Strunk, Jobin; Ebner, Katharina; Anschütz, Christian; Smolnik, Stefan: Sorting the Trash: How Smart Waste Management Systems Contribute to Sustainable Development in Smart Cities, in Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-57), 3-6 January, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2024, 10 Seiten, forthcoming.
- Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Free Ride in Rush-hour Traffic – Designing Gamified Smart Mobility Systems for Sustainable Use, in Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), 9-14 December, Copenhagen, DK, 2022. {Link}
- Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Reifegradmodell für Smart Cities – Ein Steuerungsinstrument für Smart-City-Initiativen kleiner und mittelgroßer Städte, in Controlling, Band 34, Ausgabe 5, 2022, S. 20-26. {Link}
- Bockshecker, Alina ; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Building Smart City Knowledge and Competences Using Problem-Based Learning in a Blended Learning Environment, in Fitsilis, P. (eds) Building on Smart Cities Skills and Competences. Internet of Things. Springer, S. 53-68. {Link}
- Ebner, Katharina; Bassellier, Geneviève; Smolnik, Stefan: Innovating in Circles: A Qualitative Analysis on Cycles of IT Feature Recombinations for Performative and Creative Outcomes, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2021), 15.-17. Juni 2021, Hannover, S. 293-305. {Link}
- Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina ; Smolnik, Stefan; Huber, Hans-Hendrik: Needs for Speed - Categorizing commuter types in the context of smart mobility systems, in Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), 14-16 Juni, Marrakech, Morocco, 2021, online. {Link}
- Anschütz, Christian; Ibisch, Jan Henrik; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Gestaltung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Prognose des Verkehrsaufkommens im Kontext von Smart-Mobility-Lösungen, in Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021), 09.-11. März, Duisburg-Essen, 2021, 15 Seiten, {Link}.
- Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan: Spielerisch zum Ziel: Initiale Designprinzipien für die nachhaltige Gestaltung von Smart-Mobility-Apps auf Basis einer Marktanalyse, in Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2020), 09.-11. März, Potsdam, 2020, 15 Seiten. {Link}
- Ebner, Katharina; Anschütz, Christian; Smolnik, Stefan: STREAM – Ein Smart-Mobility-System zur langfristigen Einbindung von Pendlern, in New Dimensions of Mobility Systems: Tagungsband des 11. Wissenschaftsforums Mobilität 2019, H. Proff (Hrsg.), 23. Mai 2019, Duisburg, Springer.