Measures for the internationalization of a distance learning BA program (MIFBAS)


January 2021 through August 2023

Project Goals

The project aims to lay the structural foundations to internationalize the “BA-Studiengang Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie” [German] (PVS, BA program in Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology). These first steps at internationalization will generate valuable experience and provide impetus for further internationalization measures.

Specifically, the project entails developing two crash courses to improve students’ international competences as well as one online English-language seminar taught in cooperation with international partners.


  • Developing and teaching the following courses:
    • Crash course “Reading academic English” as a self-taught course in Moodle (starting winter term 2021)
    • Crash course “Intercultural competences” (starting summer term 2022)
    • Online seminar “Waste Prevention: structural challenges and local solutions”
  • Writing a guideline to the online seminar
  • Regular workshops about teaching internationally

Project Management

Internal Cooperation Partners


MIFBAS receives funding as part of an internal grant scheme by the FernUniversität in Hagen.

Hanno Hahn | 10.05.2024