Dr. Lisa Pettibone

Email: lisa.pettibone
Short Biography
Dr. Lisa Pettibone is a Researcher at the Chair for Policy Research and Environmental Politics at the Institute of Political Science at the FernUniversität in Hagen since January 2021. She is responsible for the internationalization of the B.A. program, contributing years’ worth of experience in scientific research and teaching. Dr. Pettibone is from the USA.
2010 - 2014 | Freie Universität Berlin, Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik. Berlin. Doctorate in Environmental Politics, „Incorporating sustainability principles in six U.S. and German cities: The influence of comprehensive plans, sustainability indicators, and sustainability-minded institutions“. Doctoral scholar of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt |
2007 - 2009 | George Washington University, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. Washington, DC, USA. Master of Public Administration, Field of Study International Environmental Policy |
1999 - 2003 | New York University, Tisch School of the Arts. New York, NY, USA. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Television |
Professional Career
2020 - 2021 | ACUD MACHT NEU, Collective Practices, Initiator & Co-Facilitator “Stories from the Future”. Berlin |
2019 - present | Freie Universität Berlin, ABV Nachhaltigkeit, Lecturer. Berlin |
2018 - 2020 | Center for International Education Exchange (CIEE Berlin), Lecturer. Berlin |
07/2018 - 12/2018 | WZB, Leibniz Forschungsverbund Energiewende, Researcher. Berlin |
2016 - 2019 | Studienforum Berlin e. V., Lecturer. Berlin |
2016 - 2017 | Universität Tübingen, Studium Oecologicum, Lecturer. Tübingen |
2014 - 2016 | Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Researcher. Coodinator of the BürGEr schaffen WISSen (GEWISS) project. Berlin |
2010 - 2014 | Citizens For Europe e.V., Editor and Translator. Berlin |
2008 - 2009 | U.S. Department of Energy, Policy Analyst. Washington, DC, USA |
Research Interests
Citizen Science, participation in research and politics
Sustainability policy and sustainable urban planning
Transformation research and speculation
Education for sustainable development, postcolonial education
Publications (Selection)
Pettibone, L., & Harris, D. (2020). Stories from the Future: Our 2030. Zine published in cooperation with ACUD MACHT NEU. Berlin.
Vohland, K, Weißpflug, M., & Pettibone, L. (2019). Citizen science and the neoliberal transformation of science – an ambivalent relationship. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1): 25, pp. 1–9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.186
Pettibone, L., Blättel-Mink, B., Balázs, B., Di Giulio, A., Göbel, C., Heubach, K., Hummel, D., Lundershausen, J., Lux, A., Potthast, T., Vohland, K., & Wyborn, C. (2018). Transdisciplinary sustainability research and citizen science: Options for mutual learning. GAIA 27(2): 222-225.
Pettibone, L. (2017). Introduction: The need for integrative and interdisciplinary approaches for urban sustainability. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 7(1): 108-111.
Pettibone, L., Vohland, K., Bonn, A., Richter, A., Bauhus, W., Behrisch, B., Borcherding, R., Brandt, M., Bry, F., Dörler, D., Elbertse, I., Glöckler, F., Göbel, C., Hecker, S., Heigl, F., Herdick, M., Kiefer, S., Kluttig, T., Kühn, E., Kühn, K., Oldorff, S., Oswald, K., Röller, O., Schefels, C., Schierenberg, A., Scholz, W., Schumann, A., Sieber, A., Smolarski, R., Tochtermann, K., Wende, W., Ziegler, D. (2016). Citizen Science für alle - Eine Handreichung für Citizen Science-Beteiligte. GEWISS Publikation. http://www.buergerschaffenwissen.de.
Pettibone, L., Vohland, K, & Ziegler, D. (2017). Understanding the (inter)disciplinary and institutional diversity of citizen science: A survey of current practice in Germany and Austria. PLOS ONE 12(6): e0178778.
Pettibone, L. (2015). Governing urban sustainability: Comparing cities in the USA and Germany. Urban Planning and Environment series. Surrey: Ashgate.
Pettibone, L. (2015). Who are “citizens” in citizen science? Paper presentation at the 10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, 8–10 July 2015 in Lille, France.
Pettibone, L. (2014). Sustainability needs citizens, but do citizens need sustainability? Introduction to a disruptive worldview. Open Citizenship 5(1): 14-25.
Presentations and Workshops (Selection)
June 2020 – January 2021 Stories from the Future. Series of workshops in the „Collective Practices“ program by ACUD MACHT NEU. Online at collectivepractices.acudmachtneu.de.
October 2019 DokumentART Film Festival. „I lost 2 tons: Lessons from My Climate Diet“. Neubrandenburg.
May 2019 Children of Doom Festival of Science. Presentation „The effects of drag utopias in an alternate universe“. Berlin.
December 2016 Rachel Carson Center, Writing Fellow. Lunchtime Colloquium presentation „The role of ideological change in sustainable transformation“. Berlin.
June 2016 DKN AG „Co-Design, Co-Production and Co-Dissemination“ Roundtable, Event Organizer. Roundtable on Co-Design, Co-Production and Co-Dissemination. Berlin.
September 2015 Science Slam unterm Dino, Science Slammer. Presenting scientific results in public presentation. Berlin.
June 2013 DBU Colloquium, Event Organizer. „Die nachhaltige Stadt: Ein Zukunftsmodell?“. Stuttgart.
May 2013 SUSTAIN IT! Lecture series „Vom Wissen zum Wandel“, Host. Presentation by Martin Jänicke „Forschung und Politikberatung für den Klimaschutz“. Berlin.
April 2013 Anglo-American University, Visiting Lecturer & Presentation. Bachelor seminar on urban planning. Guest lecture: „Sustainability: What is it and why should we care?“ Prague, Czech Republic.
October 2011 Research Workshop: Comparative Sub-National Climate Policy and Politics, Event Organizer. New Delhi, India.
August 2011 Avas Green Salon & Ecologic: „New Ways to Measure Human Prosperity – Beyond GDP“, Host. Berlin.