Philosophy IV: Philosophy of medicine and technology

Email: medizinethik
Postal address
FernUniversität in Hagen
Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Philosophy IV
D-58084 Hagen
Welcome to the web pages of the Department of Philosophy IV: Philosophy of Medicine and Technology!
In the following you will find information about our teaching offers, research activities and our team.
Please also visit our web pages of the Emmy Noether Research Group (DFG): The Phenomenon of Interaction in Human-Machine Interaction (MMI) as well as the continuing education program in medical ethics.
- Seifert J. (in press): Anthropologische Verstrickungen. Zum Verhältnis von Technik- und Medienanthropologie. In: Kevin L., Marco T. (Hrsg.): Menschenbilder in den Technikwissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts, Metzler.
- Heinrichs J.-H., Beck B., Friedrich O. (2024): Neuro-ProsthEthics: Ethical Implications of Applied Situated Cognition. J. B. Metzler
- Schleidgen S.; Friedrich O.; Gerlek S.; Assadi G., Seifert J. (2023): The Concept of "Interaction" in Debates on Human-Machine Interaction. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 10:551.
- Friedrich O., Seifert J., Schleidgen S. (Hrsg.) (2023): Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion – Konzeptionelle, soziale und ethische Implikationen neuer Mensch-Technik-Verhältnisse (Human-Machine Interaction - Conceptual, Social and Ethical Implications of New Human-Technology Relationships). Münster, Mentis.
- Schleidgen S., Friedrich O., (Hrsg.) (2023): Special issue „Künstliche Intelligenz in Medizin und Pflege“. Ethik in der Medizin 35(2).
- Schleidgen S., Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A. (Hrsg.) (2023): Bedeutung und Implikationen epistemischer Ungerechtigkeit. Ethik & Moral Bd. 3. Baden-Baden, Tectum.
- Friedrich O., Schleidgen, S., Seifert, J. (2023): KI-basierte Interventionen in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. In: Janina L., Thomas G. (Hrsg.): Medizin – Technik – Ethik. Spannungsfelder zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Springer Nature, S. 209-223.
- Friedrich O., Schleidgen, S., Wolkenstein, A. (eds.) (2022): Topical Collection “Information in Interactions between Humans and Machines“. Philosophy and Technology.
- Seifert J., Friedrich O., Schleidgen, S. (2022): Imitating the Human. New Human-Machine-Interactions in Social Robots. NanoEthics: Studies of New and Emerging Technologies 16(2):181-192. DOI: 10.1007/s11569-022-00418-x.
- Schleidgen S., Friedrich O. (2022): Joint Interaction and Mutual Understanding in Social Robotics. Science and Engineering Ethics 28:48. DOI: 10.1007/s11948-022-00407-z.
- Seifert J., Friedrich O., Schleidgen S. (2022): On Humans and Machines. Anthropological Considerations on “Intelligent” Neurotechnologies (INTs). Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26(2):207-231 DOI: 10.5840/techne20221013164.
- Friedrich O., Gerlek S., Seifert J., Schleidgen S. (2022): Value change through information exchange in human-machine interaction. Prometheus 38(1):57-66. DOI:10.13169/prometheus.38.1.0057.
- Ienca M., Fins J.J., Jox R.J., Friedrich O., Kellmeyer P. (2022): Towards a Governance Framework for Brain Data. Neuroethics 15:20. DOI: 10.1007/s12152-022-09498-8.
- Friedrich, O., Seifert, J. (2022): Interacting with social robots. Between support, surveillance, and new sociality. In: Selin G., Sarah K., Thorben M., Dennis M. (Hrsg.): Von Menschen und Maschinen – Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen in digitalen Kulturen. Hagen University Press, S. 50-60.
- Schleidgen S., Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A. (2021): How Intelligent Neurotechnology Can Be Epistemically Unjust. An Exploration into the Ethics of Algorithms. Review of Social Economy 80(1):106-126, DOI: 10.1080/00346764.2021.1979241.
- Schmid J., Friedrich O., Nörtemann S., Jox RJ. (2021): Thoughts unlocked by Technology – A Survey in Germany about Brain-Computer Interfaces. Nanoethics. DOI: 10.1007/s11569-021-00392-w.
- Friedrich, O. und Seifert, J. (2021): Neue Mensch-Maschine-Verhältnisse in der Medizin und anthropologische Deutungsmodelle. In: Friedrich, O. und Bozzaro, C. (Hrsg.): Philosophie der Medizin. Münster, mentis, S. 277-292.
- Friedrich O., Seifert J., Schleidgen S. (2021): KI-gestützte Selbstvermessung der Psyche: Philosophisch-ethische Implikationen. Psychiat Prax 48 (Suppl. 1), S. 42-47.
- Friedrich O., Seifert J., Schleidgen S. (2021): Al-Based Self-Tracking of the Mind: Philosophical-Ethical Implications. Psychiat Prax 48 (Suppl. 1), S. 1-6.
- Wolkenstein A., Friedrich O. (2021). Brain-computer interfaces: Current and future investigations in the philosophy and politics of neurotechnology. In: Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A., Bublitz C., Jox RJ., Racine E. (eds.): (Clinical) Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical, ethical, legal and social implications. Heidelberg, Springer S. 69-80.
- Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A., Bublitz C., Jox RJ., Racine E.(eds.) (2021): (Clinical) Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical, ethical, legal and social implications. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A. (2021). Ethical Issues of Neurotechnologies and Artificial Intelligence. In: Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A., Bublitz C., Jox RJ., Racine E. (eds.): (Clinical) Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical, ethical, legal and social implications. Heidelberg, Springer, S. 1-9.
- Friedrich O., Schleidgen S. (2021): Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Ethische, epistemische und anthropologische Herausforderungen im Kontext des Einsatzes von Brain-Computer Interfaces. Ärzteblatt Baden-Württemberg 3, S. 138-140.
- November 14th, 2024: Actuators - Art - AI
(with Dr. Hannes Bajohr, Basel/Berlin; Prof. Dr. Catrin Misselhorn, GAU Göttingen; Prof. Dr. Stephanie Catani, JMU Würzburg) - Oktober 24th, 2024: AI and authorship in science
(with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Amrei Bahr, Universität Stuttgart; Arne Radeisen, FU Berlin; Prof. Michael Schwertel, CBS International Business School) - June 13rd, 2024: New materialism
(with Dr. Josef Barla, GO Frankfurt; Dr. Waltraud Ernst, JKU Linz) - April 24th, 2024: Who is speaking? ChatGPT and authorship
(with Dr. Eugenia Stamboliev, Universität Wien; Sylvester Tremmel, Heise Online)
Whether as a means for the automated creation of texts, for the idea generation or as an editing tool - the use of systems such as ChatGPT is increasingly characterising our communication. But who is responsible for the content produced by ChatGPT? This semester the lecture series Philosophy of Technology at the FernUniversität Hagen is focussing on agency and authorship.The first lecture evening of the semester is dedicated to the relationship between language and generative AI.
This will be followed by two expert lectures and a panel debate on the topic, there will be opportunity to join in the discussion and think further together. Who speaks when an AI system generates texts? What are the consequences current technological developments in the field of large language models for concepts of authorship, linguistic action and ideal action and intellectual property? And last but not least: What ethical challenges do these developments harbour?
- October 25th, 2023: Virtual Realty and Medicine
(with Prof. Dr. Katrhin Friedrich, University of Bonn; Dr. Sarah Diner, University Hospital Bonn; Prof. Dr. Youssef Shiban, PFH Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen) - June 29th, 2023: Military robotics
(with PD Dr. Frank Sauer, Bundeswehr University Munich; Dr. Michael Funk, University of Vienna) - April 3rd, 2023: Care robotics
(with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André, University Augsburg; Kim Klüber, Humboldt University of Berlin; Dr. Peter Remmers, TU Berlin) - February 1st, 2023: Affective Computing
(with Prof. Dr. Catrin Misselhorn, GAU Göttingen; Prof. Dr. Anna Tuschling, RU Bochum) - December, 14th, 2022: Self-Tracking Technology
(with Prof. Dr. Doreen Reifegerste, University Bielefeld; Dr. Lisa Wiedemann, HSU Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Verina Wild, University Augsburg) - November 16th, 2022: Medicine and Technology
(with Dr. Melike Şahinol, Orient Institut Istanbul; Dr. Wenke Liedtke, EVH Bochum) - July 13rd, 2022: Explainable AI
(with Bettina Finzel, OFU Bamberg; Dr. Hans-Joachim Greif, Warsaw University of Technology; Dr. Lisa Käde, KIT) - May 5th, 2022: AI and Embodiment
(with Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner, University Paderborn; Prof. Dr. Christina Schües, Lübeck Universität; Prof. Dr. Bettina Wuttig, PU Marburg) - March 31st, 2022: AI and Gender
(with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Corinna Bath, TU Braunschweig; Dr. Waltraud Ernst, JKU Linz; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Irina Gradinari, FernUniversität in Hagen) - January 27th, 2022: AI in Care Robotics
(with Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke, Lutheran University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg; Prof. Dr. Jochen Steil, TU Braunschweig) - November 18th, 2021: Experience and Memory
(with Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs, Heidelberg; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Liefke, Bochum; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Bochum) - July 14th, 2021: AI in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
(with Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris, LMU Munich; Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda, COU Oldenburg; Prof. Dr. Eva Weber-Guskar, RU Bochum; Dr. Wanja Wiese, JGU Mainz) - June 23rd, 2021: AI in Neurotechnology
(with Dr. Christoph Bublitz, University of Hamburg; Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer, ALU Freiburg; Prof. Dr. Thorsten O. Zander, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) - January 28th, 2021: Human and Machine Intelligence
(with Prof. Dr. Vincent C. Müller, TU Eindhoven; Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus, LMU Munich; Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stober, OVGU Magdeburg) - November 19th, 2020: AI in Medical Robotics
(with Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; Prof. Dr. Manfred Hild, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin; Dr. Janina Loh, University of Wien) - November 5th, 2020: AI in Medical Imaging
(with Prof. Dr. Bert Heinrichs, RFWU Bonn; Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff, TU Berlin; Prof. Dr. Daniel Rückert, TU Munich)
Further dates to follow.
- November 14th, 2024: Actuators - Art - AI
- 30th June - 1st July, 2022 in Munich: Neurotechnology Meets Artificial Intelligence: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
- April 21st - 23rd, 2021: (Unintended) Information in Human-Machine Interaction - Implications on the Individual and Societal Level
- March 4th - 5th, 2021: On Humans and Machines - Human-Machine Interactions in digital_cultures
Further dates to follow