Institute of Philosophy
Welcome to the website of the Hagen Institute of Philosophy
The Institute of Philosophy consists of the following departments: Philosophy I, Philosophy with an emphasis on Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Dr. M. Lenz), Philosophy II, Practical Philosophy – Ethics, Law, Economics (Prof. Dr. Th. S. Hoffmann), Philosophy III, Practical Philosophy – Technology, History, Society (Prof. Dr. Th. Bedorf), and Philosophy IV, Philosophy of Medicine and Technology (Prof. Dr. Dr. O. Friedrich).
The Institute of Philosophy offers seminars in the FernUniversität’s Bachelor programs “Humanities” and “Political Science, Administration, and Sociology” and also the Master’s program “Philosophy – Philosophy in the European Context.” The institute offers more than 50 on-campus and online seminars every year. In addition, there is also a continuing education program on medical ethics.
The Institute is currently headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich.
Individual photo credits (PDF 74 KB)
Lecture offers
- Bachelorstudiengang Kulturwissenschaften
- Bachelorstudiengang Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie
- Masterstudiengang Philosophie - Philosophie im europäischen Kontext
- Weiterbildungsangebot Medizinethik (weiterbildendes Master- und Zertifikatsstudium)
- Übersicht der Präsenz- und Online-Seminare
Prof. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich
Head of Department
Email: medizinethik
Phone: +49 2331 987-4122