Dr. Benjamin Schwanebeck

Benjamin Schwanebeck Photo: Hardy Welsch

Email: benjamin.schwanebeck

Phone: +49 2331 987-4584

Office hours: by appointment

Room: E 13 1 (TGZ)

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Background

Since 10/2018 Post-doctoral researcher at the FernUniversität in Hagen
Chair of International Economics
11/2017-09/2018 Research assistant (Postdoc) at Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main
Chair of International Macroeconomics and Macroeconometrics, Prof. Michael Binder, Ph.D
Chair of Macroeconomics and Finance, Prof. Michael Haliassos, Ph.D.
11/2012-11/2017 Research assistant at the University of Kassel
Chair of Monetary Economics, Prof. Dr. Jochen Michaelis
Since 2006 Lecturer at the PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen
Departments of Economics and Mathematics


11/2012-10/2017 Dr. rer. pol. at the University of Kassel
Title of doctoral thesis: "Financial Frictions and the Design of Optimal Monetary Policy”
10/2011-10/2012 Master of Arts in Economics
University of Kassel
10/2008-09/2011 Diplom I in Industrial Engineering with Business Studies
University of Kassel

Educational Jobs

Summer term 2017 Computer tutorial in MAGKS-PhD Seminar: "Einführung in DSGE-Modelle und deren Lösung mit Hilfe von Dynare"
Winter Term 2016 Economic and Monetary Union (Master)
since 2012 Lectures at PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen
since 2010 Tutorials in Microeconomics (Bachelor), Macroeconomics (Bachelor), Economic Policies (Bachelor)

Arwards and third party fonds

02/2017-11/2017 2Das Zusammenspiel von Geldpolitik und makroprudenzieller Politik"
Sponsor: Deutsche Bundesbank
02/2014-11/2014 "Sudden Stops innerhalb einer Währungsunion"
Sponsor: Deutsche Bundesbank
April 28, 2017 Best Paper Award at the 1st International Conference on Finance and Economic Policy (ICOFEP) in Poznań for the paper: "Optimal Monetary and Macroprudential Policy in a Currency Union”
June 13, 2017 Best Student Paper Award at the15th INFINITI Conference on International Finance in Valencia for the paper: "Optimal Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Face of Shadow Banking”
November 8, 2017 Junior Researcher Award 2017 in Economic Behavior and Governance at the Universität Kassel for the paper: "Financial Frictions and Optimal Stabilization Policy in a Monetary Union“



Schwanebeck, Benjamin (2018): Financial Frictions and the Design of Optimal Monetary Policy, Kassel University Press, 2018.


Palek, Jakob and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2019): Optimal Monetary and Macroprudential Policy in a Currency Union, Journal of International Money and Finance 93: 167-186
Palek, Jakob and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2017): Financial Frictions and Optimal Stabilization Policy in a Monetary Union, Economic Modelling 61: 462-477.
Michaelis, Jochen and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2016): Examination Rules and Student Effort, Economics Letters 145: 65-68.

Working Papers

Schwanebeck, Benjamin (2017): "Unconventional Monetary Policy in a Financially Heterogeneous Monetary Union ", MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics No. 41-2017.
Kirchner, Philipp and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2017): "Optimal Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Face of Shadow Banking", MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics No. 25-2017.
Jeleskovic, Vahidin and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2012): "Assessment of a Spatial Panel Model for the Efficiency Analysis of the Heterogeneous Healthcare Systems in the World", MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics No. 48-2012.

Conferences and Workshops


August 22-26 6th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences,
August 21-25 32nd Annual Congress of the European Econ. Association,
May 25-27 21st Annual Conference ICMAIF,
University of Crete
June 12-13 INFINITI Conference on International Finance,
April 27-28 1st International Conference on Finance and Economic Policy,
March 1 Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Workshop,


September 4-7 Annual Conference of the German Economic Association,
May 26-28 20th Annual Conference ICMAIF,
University of Crete
June 13-14 14th INFINITI Conference on International Finance,
February 24-26 18th Göttinger Workshop International Economic Relations,
February 19 8th Workshop on Economics,


August, 24-27 30th Annual Congress of the European Econ. Association,
April 24 MAGKS Money Meeting,