Press Review

Press Review features reports on the research and other activities of the HCI group's scientists and students that have been published in public media and media of the FernUniversität, such as printed reports or interviews, radio or TV broadcasts. Most of the material is in German.




Kann man Roboter bestrafen?

Gabriele Peters über Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

German interview on autonomous systems, artificial consciousness, and implications for ethics and scientific freedom.

  • Audio: mp3 (12:06 min)
  • german Transcript [pdf]
  • Neugier genügt, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR 5), 01.10.2014 [jpg]

Fünf Fragen an: Gabriele Peters

German interview on early role models, Woody Allen, and limitations of computers

  • Audio: mp3 (long, 07:46 min), mp3 (short, 05:48 min)
  • german Transcripts [pdf (long), pdf (short)]
  • Aktuelles,, 13.01.2011 [pdf]
  • YouTube channel of FernUniversität in Hagen, 13.01.2011
  • facebook, 13.01.2011

Freihanderfassung von 3D Objekten

WDR TV Broadcast on Freehand Acquisition of 3D Objects (german)

  • Video: avi, mp4 (00:18 min)
  • Lokalzeit aus Dortmund, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), 29.10.2008

Images: Human-Computer Interaction
