Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert

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Education and Digitization

Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert Photo: Volker Wiciok

“Traditional educational formats such as frontal instruction are continuing to lose importance. Thanks to new methods of teaching and learning, learners are increasingly becoming the producers of their learning content. Transparent teaching delivered through open and public offerings as well as individualized and collaborative learning will become increasingly relevant. This also means that the roles of teachers and institutions are changing.”

Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert

The Role of Universities – The Diversification of Education and Qualification


Die Bedeutung von Bildung in einer Dienstleistungs- und Wissensgesellschaft. Welchen Bildungsauftrag hat die Universität?
Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Volume 121, Number 407 – 2015

Zeitgemäße Interpretation des Bildungsauftrages in einer wissensbasierten Netzwerkgesellschaft? (p. 53)

Von der Kutsche zur Cloud – globale Bildung sucht neue Wege. Das Beispiel der Carl Benz Academy (Springer VS) – 2016, Herausforderungen für die Hochschulbildung des 21. Jahrhunderts (p. 65)

Hochschule(n) im digitalen Wandel. Bedarfe und Strategien.
In: APuZ. Zeitschrift der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. Beilage zur Wochenzeitung. Das Parlament. Volume 69, 27–28/2019. 1 July 2019, pp. 42–46. ISSN: 0479-611 X

So gelingt uns die digitale Transformation
In: Übergänge gestalten, Studienerfolg verbessern, German Rectors’ Conference (HRK): Projekt nexus (March 2020)


Wie wir nach dem Corona-Crashkurs weitermachen müssen
Millions of children experienced homeschooling, millions of parents had to teach their children – hundreds of universities have had a semester away. What can stay the same? What needs to change? Ada Pellert, president of the FernUniversität in Hagen and member of the government’s Digital Council, says: There is no way back. (Podcast episode from 24 June 2020)

Questions for: Ada Pellert
Die Zeit asks 3½ questions. Prof. Ada Pellert asks back: “Why do we invest so little thought in good learning? The possibilities offered by new media open up great opportunities to make learning much better.”

New Digital Territory in the German Chancellery
Digitization is rapidly changing the world – and Germany is lagging behind. The new Digital Council aims to change that. Prof. Ada Pellert serves on the panel as an expert on education. In an interview with WDR, she describes whether universities are doing better with digitization than other areas of society.


Email: President
Phone: +49 2331 987-2400
Fax: +49 2331 987-330
Address: Universitätsstraße 47,
D-58097 Hagen,

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