Daniel Sascha Schorn



Email: daniel-sascha.schorn

Institutional Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Additional information: Profile (in German)

Research Interests

(in the fields covered by the research center)

In the semiconductor industry, integrated circuits are manufactured using extremely expensive machines. The various stages of production are very energy-intensive and it is well-known that the semiconductor industry consumes larger quantities of energy than many other sectors, such as the steel or petrochemicals industries. With that in mind, it makes sense to take sustainability factors into account in the process planning of semiconductor factories in order to reduce energy consumption or to shift major usage to periods during which greater quantities of electricity can be drwan from renewable energy sources. In my research, I concentrate therefore on the development of process planning methods and algorithms that take sustainability into account as well as the traditional goals such as reliable compliance with delivery schedules.

  • (in the fields covered by the research center)

    • Schorn, D. S., & Mönch, L. (2022). Learning Dispatching Rules for Energy-Aware Scheduling of Jobs on a Single Batch Processing Machine. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 3360–3371). IEEE.
  • (in the fields covered by the research center)

    • AIMS5.0
E/E/S Research Center | 10.05.2024