Prof. Dr. Annette Elisabeth Töller
Email: annette.toeller
Institutional Affiliation
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Institute for Political Science
Chair of Political Science III: Policy Field Analysis & Environmental Policy
Additional information: Profile (faculty page, in German only)
Research Interests
(in the fields covered by the research center)
- Policy analysis with a focus on environmental and energy policy
- In particular, analysis of the emergence of policies on fracking, electromobility, the bioeconomy, the emissions scandal, and the nature conservation policies of the federal states
- Theories of political processes, theories of institutions
(in the fields covered by the research center)
- Töller, A.E. (2021). Driving bans for diesel cars in German cities. The role of ENGOs and courts in producing an unlikely outcome. European Policy Analysis, i.E.
- Töller, A.E., Vogelpohl, T., Beer, K. & Böcher, M. (2021). Is bioeconomy policy a policy field? A conceptual framework and findings on the European Union and Germany. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.
- Vogelpohl, T. & Töller, A.E. (2021). Perspectives on the bioeconomy as an emerging policy field. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.
- Vogelpohl,T., Beer, K., Ewert, B., Perbandt, D., Töller, A.E. & Böcher, M. (2021). Patterns of European bioeconomy policy. Insights from a cross-case study of three policy areas. Environmental Politics.
- Töller, A. E. (2020). Das Verbandsklagerecht der Umweltverbände in Deutschland: Effekte auf Rechtsanwendung, Umweltqualität und Machtverhältnisse. dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 13. Jg., Heft 2/2020, pp. 1–20.
- Böcher, M., Töller, A. E., Perbandt, D., Beer, K., Vogelpohl, T. (2020). Research trends: Bioeconomy governance and politics. Forest Policy and Economics.
- Töller, A. E. 2019. Kein Grund zum Feiern! Die Umwelt- und Energiepolitik der dritten Regierung Merkel. (2013–2017) In: Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Thomas Saalfeld (Hrsg.): Zwischen Stillstand, Politikwandel und Krisenmanagement. Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2013-2017, Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 569–590.
- Töller, A. E., und Böcher, M. (2018). Governing shale gas in Germany. In: John Whitton, Ioan M. Charnley-Parry, Kathryn Brasier (Hrsg.): Governing Shale Gas. Development, Citizen Participation and Decision making in the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Routledge: London/New York, 66–82.
- Bollmann, A., und Töller, A. E. (2018). Lösungen auf der Suche nach Problemen? Instrumentenwandel in der deutschen Elektromobilitätspolitik. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht, 2/2018, 105–142.
(in the fields covered by the research center)
Political processes of bioeconomy between economy and ecology
Circular Cities NRW
Lawsuits and Citizens’ Petitions as Impediments to the Expansion of Wind Energy in Germany
E/E/S Research Center
| 05.08.2024