Summer School 2021 - Bioethics in Context VIII

The Concept of 'Health' and its Implications for Public Health Issues

Photo: private

Summer School 2021

Date: June 20 - 27, 2021

Location: Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing (Germany)

The chair „Practical Philosophy – Ethics, Law, Economy“ of the Institute of Philosophy at the FernUniversität in Hagen held the international and interdisciplinary summer school in association with the DAAD in Tutzing (Germany) from June 20th - June 27th, 2021. Topic of the summer school was The Concept of ‘Health’ and its Implications for Public Health Issues. The summer school proceeded in cooperation with the partner universities of Belgrad, Linz, Rethymno, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Tirana, Zagreb, Zenica and the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing.

This year’s summer school apprehended the central question of medicine and medical ethics on the notion of health and relate this question especially to the implementation problems in the public health sector as well as the tensions between the individual commodity ‘health’ and variable political goals in the area of state-funded healthcare. In this context, we also discussed new and interdisciplinary visions of public health as they have emerged since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The venue was located at the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing, in close vicinity to the Lake Starnberg.

Updated programme (PDF 346 KB)

Report (German) and photos (PDF 211 KB)

Retrospect by Prof. Dr. Spieker in the "Akademie-Report" of the APB (German) (PDF 1 MB)

Bryan Planhof | 10.05.2024