Summer School 2020 - Bioethics in Context VII

Medicine between Science and Art of Healing

Photo: Thomas Rosenthal

Public Lecture (online)

Prof. Dr. Dietrich von Engelhardt, Universität Lübeck: Therapy as Art - Art as Therapy (PDF 178 KB)

Monday, October 26, 2020, 7:30 PM (CET).

The chair „Practical Philosophy – Ethics, Law, Economy“ of the Institute of Philosophy at the FernUniversität in Hagen will hold an international and interdisciplinary summer school in Berlin (Germany) from (June 21st - June 28th, 2020) October 25 - November 1, 2020 on the topic of Medicine between Science and Art of Healing. The summer school will be held in cooperation with the DAAD-supported partner universities of Belgrad, Rethymno, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Tirana, Zagreb, Zenica and the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing. The KU Linz is another participating institution.

The summer school commences with the experience that medico-ethical conflicts often arise from tensions between medicine’s mission to cure, which is derived from the medical ethos provided in personal care to the individual, and the scientific claims of a medical science, which abstracts from individuality, appears as „high tech medicine“ or may even be guided by economical motives.

The summer school will address, among other topics, the mode and characteristics of medical knowledge, the relationship between doctor and patient as well as the ethos of medical professionals in times of mechanization and digitalization. In addition, the summer school will be complemented by visits to the medical history collections of the Charité and the Robert-Koch-Institut.

Participation in the summer school will be supported through a DAAD-financed scholarship for travel and accommodation. Applications were welcome from December 1st, 2019 – March 1st, 2020.

In order to apply for the summer school, all applicants had to provide a letter of motivation, a CV, and present above average grades from their recent course of studies. All participants are expected to prepare a presentation on a chosen topic or a bioethical project related to the subject of the summer school (20 minutes). The official language of the summer school is English.

Supported by: DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service

Programme (PDF 151 KB)

Photo Gallery: Autumn School Berlin 2020
