Double panel at the conference "Governance of Big Transformations” in Munich

On March 22nd, the Bio-Ecopoli project team hosted two scientific panels entitled "Big transformation or old wine in new bottles? The (proclaimed) emergence of the bioeconomy and its governance challenges" at a section conference of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) on "Governance of Big Transformations". The conference took place from 21st to 23rd March 2019 at the Hochschule für Politik (HfP) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Project leader Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher (OVGU Magdeburg) led through the panels, in which both overarching conceptual considerations on the bioeconomy and related topics as well as studies on national understandings of the bioeconomy on the basis of concrete examples were presented and discussed with an international scientific audience. Thereby, project member Dr. Thomas Vogelpohl (FernUniversität Hagen) summarised the theoretical assumptions for the investigation of political processes of the bioeconomy applied in the research project Bio-Ecopoly and gave an overview of first insights across the three case groups bioplastics, biofuels and bioenergy (electricity and heat) based on empirical case studies in his presentation entitled "Analyzing bioeconomy policy as a patchwork. A process‐inherent dynamics perspective".

Additional Information: Link to the conference

Projekt „Politische Prozesse der Bioökonomie zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie“ (Bio-Ökopoli)