On 25 September 2019, Bio-Ecopoly project staff member Katrin Beer presented theoretical considerations on the concept of “problem structures” as well as selected results of her case studies on national level in the thematic field bioenergy policy in a talk titled “problem structures of bioenergy policy in the power and heat sector” to an interdisciplinary group of young scientists. The bioeconomy summer school took place from 23 to 27 September 2019 in Bonn and was titled “Bioeconomy and modern biotechnologies: Ethical, legal and social aspects”. The event had been organized by the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE), the Institute for Plant Sciences at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and the Institute of Science and Ethics (IWE) and was addressed to young scientist from various disciplines. The aim of the event was to take a closer look at the bioeconomy and its overlaps with topics like philosophy, ethics, agriculture, environment and energy and to discuss conflicts of goals and open questions critically. The participants’ contributions will be published in a conference reader in German and English after the event.
Further information (in German): Bioeconomy Summer School 2019 in Bonn