Stefanie Neuenfeldt
Email: stefanie.neuenfeldt
Phone: +49 2331 987-2370
Stefanie Neuenfeldt is in employment at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media since October 2015. She has been studying Educational Science (Bachelor- and Master-Degree) at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Since May 2018 she has been working as Academic Assistant at our Department.
Supervision & Mentoring
Bachelors Degree Program: B.A. Bildungswissenschaft (B.A. Educational Sciences)
- Module 3B: Management und Durchführung einer Projektarbeit (Management and Accomplishment of an Educational Project)
- Moodle
- Supervision and mentoring of term papers
- Bachelor-Thesis
Research Interests
- Self-regulated Learning
- Metakognition
- Motivation and Volition
- Multimedia and Hypermedia
| 10.05.2024