Sebastian Habla


Sebastian Habla has been employed as Research Assistant at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media since July 2017.

He attended University of Bielefeld where he studied Educational Science, majoring in Media Education and School Pedagogics, minoring in Educational Psychology. During this time he was involved in different projects regarding tutorial videos and web design services. His diploma thesis has been engaged with the subject “Neurobiological Findings and E-Learning – Considerations for a Neurobiological Didactics.”

Supervision & Mentoring

Bachelors Degree Program B.A. Bildungswissenschaft (B.A. Educational Sciences)

Research Interests

  • OER
  • Computer Supported Collaborated Learning – CSCL
  • Motivational Research
  • Mobile Learning/Blended Learning
  • Neurodidactics
  • Instructional Technology and Media
Mediendidaktik | 10.05.2024