Noëlle Diegel
Since July 2017, Noëlle Diegel has been a research associate at the department of Instructional Technology and Media of the FernUniversität in Hagen and supervises module 3 of the Master program "M. A. Education and Media: eEducation" and partly module 3B of the Bachelor program "B. A. Educational Science". Furthermore, as part of Module 3, she organises and supervises the international cooperation project with the Open Universiteit, Netherlands and the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. As part of her PhD project at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Ms Diegel deals with the topic "Academic Professionalization with E-Portfolios in the field of University Distance Education".
She studied Educational Science (B.A.) and Adult Education/Further Education (M.A.) with a focus on media education and professional/further education at the University Duisburg-Essen. During her Master's Degree, she worked at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, department 1.1 Fundamental Issues of Internationalization/VET System Monitoring. Here she was involved in the work of the International Handbook on Vocational Education and Training and in the international Erasmus Plus collaborative project "Apprenticeship Toolbox" to create an online toolkit for dual training approaches in Europe.
Supervision & Mentoring
Bachelors Degree Program B.A. Bildungswissenschaft (B.A. Educational Sciences)
- Module 3B: Management und Durchführung einer Projektarbeit, mit Praktikum (Management and Accomplishment of an Educational Project)
- Appraisal of the intership/project
- Processing requests
- Final exams
- Bachelor-Thesis
Masters Degree Program M.A. Bildung und Medien: eEducation (M.A. Education and Media: eEducation)
- Module 3: Gestaltung und Entwicklung von neuen Medien (Design and Development of New Media)
- Moodle
- Seminars
- International Cooperation Project
- Final exams
- Master-Thesis
Research Interests
- E-Portfolios
- Professionalisation
- Distance Learning
- Social Media
- Game-Based-Learning
- Blended-Learning
Vogel, C., Diegel, N., Firssova O., Kananen, P., Stracke, C. M., & Brouns, F. (2019). Studying in a Virtual Mobility Context: An International Pilot in the Domain of Educational Science. In G. Ubachs (Hrsg.), The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities (S. 20-23). Maastricht, The Netherlands: EADTU.
- The International cooperation project „Instructional Design – Creating an educational media product“, finished , duration: 19.11.2018 – 14.01.2019