Klaudia Bovermann

Email: klaudia.bovermann

Phone: +49 2331 987-4154

Room: C 0.028


Klaudia Bovermann is in employment at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media as Research Assistant since Dezember 2015.

She has been studying Educational Science (Bachelor- and Master-Degree) at the FernUniversität in Hagen. During the studies she has been working as Academic Assistant at our Department. She wrote her Master Thesis on the topic “Use of vodcast in the distance education and the influence on the intrinsic motivation.

Supervision & Mentoring

Masters Degree Program M.A. Bildung und Medien: eEducation (M.A. Education and Media: eEducation)

Research Interests

  • Gamification
  • Motivation
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Lifelong Learning


Topic: Gamification in Distance Learning


Bovermann, K., Weidlich, J., & Bastiaens, T.J. Online Learning Readiness and Attitudes towards gaming in gamified online learning – a mixed methods case study. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15: 27

Mediendidaktik | 10.05.2024