Joshua Weidlich

Email: joshua.weidlich

Phone: +49 2331 987-4162

Room: C 0.023

Joshua Weidlich is as Research Assistant at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media since November 2013.

He studied Educational Science, B.A., with an emphasis on E-Learning and New Media at the Chemnitz University of Technology and E-Learning and Media Education, M.A. at Heidelberg University of Education. In his Masters thesis he developed and tested a instructional concept based on Flipped Classroom.

In his PhD project, he investigates social presence in online distance learning as well as the development of socio-emotional aspects in online learning environments in general.

Supervision & Mentoring

  • Online Internship for B.A. “Educational Science”
  • Mentoring of Bachelor- & Master-Theses

Research Interests

  • Higher Education
  • Educational Technology
  • Instructional Design
  • Social Presence in Online-Learning
  • Student-Student (social) Interaction in Online Learning Environments


Topic: Enhancing Social Presence in Online Learning through the use of Social Software

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