Christine Schulmann
Email: christine.schulmann
Room: C 0.023
Christine Schulmann is in employment as Research Assistant at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media since 2013.
She has been studying Educational Science at the FernUniversität in Hagen and completed her studies with the Masters Degree Program “Bildung und Medien: eEducation” (M.A. Education and Media: eEducation) with the Master-Thesis to the following subject: “E-learning 2.0: formelles und informelles Lernen mit Wikis. Entwicklung eines didaktischen Konzeptes für den Einsatz von Wikis im Fernstudium” (“E-learning 2.0: formal and informal learning with Wikis. Development of an instructional design for the use of Wikis within the distance study”).
After completing her studies she has been working as Academic Assistant at the Department of Instructional Technology and Media for Module 2B of the Bachelors Degree Program.
Supervision & Mentoring
Bachelors Degree Program B.A. Bildungswissenschaft (B.A. Educational Sciences)
- Module 3B: Praxis der Mediendidaktik, mit Praktikum (Practices of Instructional Technology and Media, including practical training)
- Moodle
- Supervision and Mentoring of the term paper
- Bachelor-Thesis
Masters Degree Program M.A. Bildung und Medien: eEducation (M.A. Education and Media: eEducation)
- Module 3: Gestaltung und Entwicklung von neuen Medien (Design and Development of New Media)
- Moodle
- Supervision and Mentoring of the term paper
- Master-Thesis
Research Interests
- Social Media
- Mobile Learning
- Lifelong Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Interconnection of knowledge
- Topic: Einsatz von Apps in der Fernlehre