
Volitionale Transferunterstützung (VUT)

Project Status:

Knowledge acquired in separated contexts (e.g. face-to-face seminar, workshop) cannot often be transferred into professional life, as it might be desired. Beside the difference of these two situations, first and foremost obstacles and challenges turn up in everyday life and prevent a successful transfer.

Students in distance education are exposed to a variety of obligations partially competing with each other: studies, career, family, and various social activities. These can derogatorily affect the current motivation and learning process. Volitional support can assist an effective control of the learning process.

Volition, or will as it is also called, assures that with a decreasing motivation or concentration the activity is kept on track. With the aid of volitional strategies motivational vacillation or aversion can be resolved. Various surveys were able to verify the effectivity of such strategies (e.g. Deimann, 2007).

Within the scope of Volitional Transfer Support well-proven strategies are therefore compiled in form of a strategy guide to support the learner. However, given that the effectiveness of such strategies depends upon the individual preconditions of the learner, the volitional capacity is analysed in a preceding step. For this purpose the Volitional Personality Test (VPT) has been developed (German language) and is online available.
