
Social Software

Project Status:


Investigation and Implementation of an Instructional Design for the insertion of Social Software within Academic TeachingBased on the fact of an increasing significance of complex information and communication technologies, like social networks and web 2.0 applications, this project investigates its impact on teaching and learning at the FernUniversität in Hagen. After an inventory taking of the current utilisation of Social Software Applications several didactical scenarios are generated and empirically reviewed. Finally, a design model for practical insertion of innovative Social Software encountering the new challenges in Distance Education effectively, shall be developed.One emphasis is placed on the so-called Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) representing prototypically the new possibilities of the digital world. Consequently, the two MOOC Pilots in Spring/Summer 2013 have been part of the research project.The project is supported by the rectorship of the FernUniversität in Hagen. Here you will find out more about our project.
