Re.ViCa – Reviewing traces of European Virtual Campuses
- Project Status:
- finished
- Duration:
- 01.10.2007 to 30.09.2009
The Department of Instructional Technology and Media has been partner of the project “Re.ViCa – Reviewing traces of European Virtual Campuses“, which has been fostered by the European Commission, from October 2007 to September 2009. The aim of this project was the evaluation of internal and comprehensive institutional “Virtual Campus” Initatives during the last decade on European, national as well as regional level. Beside the FernUniversität in Hagen the following partners also participated in the project: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), ATiT (Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications bvba, Belgium), Helsinki University of Technology (Finland), Université de Strasbourg (France), University of West-Hungary (Hungary), Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (Italy) and Matic Media Ltd (Great-Britain).
Within the scope of this project the Department of Instructional Technology and Media, represented by Prof. Dr. Theo J. Bastiaens, undertook the task of evaluating the “Virtual Campuses” Initiatives within the German-speaking area. Furthermore, the Subject Area has significantly contributed to the compilation of a compendium for quality criteria concerning Virtual Campuses. This compendium includes 14 criteria (i.a. Collaboration in the sector eLearning on several levels, Innovation Management, Organisational Learning), which have to be taken into consideration for a successful realisation of “Virtual Campuses”.
Finally, with regard to these criteria the result of this project has been the composition of an handbook including guidelines, practices and recommendations, with online and print availability. In addition, European Virtual Campus Initiatives were supposed to be compared with Non-European ones, whereupon the results of this comparison should be used for future initiatives in Europe.