
Open eLearning Content Observatory Services

Project Status:
01.01.2006 to 31.12.2007

From January 2006 to December 2007 the Department of Instructional Technology and Media participated in the OLCOS-Project, which was fostered by the European Commission. The aim of this project was to promote both creation and sharing as well as recirculation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Europe. Beside the FernUniversität in Hagen the following partners also participated in the project: Salzburg Research – Salzburg New Media Lab (Austria), Mediamasteri Group (Finland), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), European Distance and E-Learning Network (United Kingdom) an European Center for Media Competence – European Experts’ Network for Education and Technology (Germany).

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Within the scope of this project the Subject Area, represented by Markus Deimann, Theo Bastiaens and Anika Giebel, created the German version of an online tutorial which informs possible users about the creation, sharing and re-use of elearning material as well as the implementation of open learning policies and activities in institutions. In this tutorial inter alia the production of OER and the insertion of Open-Source-Tools are specified as well as several approaches of open-content-licences are introduced exemplarily. Additionally, the Subject Area was significantly involved in the creation of the OLCOS Roadmap, an overview of current and future developments concerning use and distribution of OER.

Summing up, the project revealed the necessity of an adjustment from the traditional model of knowledge transfer to a practice of “Open Education” before educational institutions, teachers and learners could profit from the advantages of OER. To this it requires both the promotion of competences, knowledge and skills of instructors and learners and the modification of the educational culture and the mindset of society per se.
