Digital Health

Digital health is an interdisciplinary field of research that encompasses all facets of healthcare and medicine and explores how it can be supported by technology. Within this field, we are exploring four major application areas and technologies: first, the adoption of telemedicine and teleconsultation by patients and physicians. Secondly, we are investigating AI applications to support physical activity in both recreational sports and rehabilitation. Thirdly, we are exploring the impact of digital healthcare in the workplace and companion applications for mental healthcare interventions. Finally, we focus on health analytics for decision support in healthcare.
In our four application areas, we use a mix of qualitative and quantitative research, as well as design-oriented research.
Research Team
![]() Dr. Anika Nissen | ![]() Dr. Alina Bockshecker | ![]()
| ![]() Jobin Strunk, M.Sc. |
- Ersöz, Semra; Nissen, Anika; Schütte, Reinhard: Risk, Trust, and Emotion in Online Pharmacy Medication Purchases: Multimethod Approach Incorporating Customer Self-Reports, Facial Expressions, and Neural Activation, in JMIR Formative Research, 7(e48850), 1–16. {Link}
- Weißenfels, Silke; Kappler, Karolin; Smolnik, Stefan: Caring about Employees' Health@Work – Understanding Health Beliefs and the Use of Digital Health Interventions, in Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), 11-16 Juni, Kristiansand, Norway, 2023. {Link}
- Weißenfels, Silke; Kappler, Karolin; Duffner, Dario; Smolnik, Stefan: Are We Ready for Self-Quantifying and Preventive Health Behavior at Work? Exploring Employees’ Types and Engagement, in Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), 3-6 January, Maui, Hawaii, 2023, 10 Seiten. {Link}
- Neft, Florian; Kappler, Karolin; Smolnik, Stefan: Covid-19 as an Incubator Leading to Telemedicine Usage: KM Success Factors in Healthcare, in Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), 3-6 January, Maui, Hawaii, 2023, 10 Seiten. {Link}
- Neft, Florian; Kappler, Karolin; Dohmen, Sandra Maria; Juhra, Christian; Sperling, Kathrin; Bause, Daniela; Smolnik, Stefan: Expertise in die Fläche bringen: Analyse der Covid-19-Telekonsile und szenariobasierte Handlungsempfehlungen, in HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Band 59, Heft 6, S. 1564-1576, 2022. {Link}
- Kappler, Karolin: E-Health and the Digitization of Health, in Diaz Bone R., de Larquier G. (eds) Handbook of Economics and Sociology of Conventions. Springer, Cham, S. 1-19, 2022. {Link}
- Cappel, Valeska; Kappler, Karolin: Gesundheit - Konventionen - Digitalisierung. Eine politische Ökonomie der (digitalen) Transformationsprozesse von und um Gesundheit, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2022. {Link}
- Nissen, Anika; Ersöz, Semra: Towards a Psychophysiological Investigation of Perceived Trustworthiness and Risk in Online Pharmacies: Results of a Pre-study, in Proceedings of the Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat, 1-3 Juni, Vienna, Austria, 2021, S. 9-19. {Link}
- Noji, Eryk; Kappler, Karolin; Vormbusch, Uwe: Situating Conventions of Health: Transformations, Inaccuracies, and the Limits of Measuring in the Field of Self-Tracking, in Historical Social Research, 46(1), S. 261-284. {Link}
- Neft, Florian; Kappler, Karolin; Smolnik, Stefan: Der Einfluss von IoT-, Big-Data- und Mobile-Health-Lösungen auf die Wertschöpfung in Krankenhäusern: Gap-Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen, in HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Februar 2021, Band 58, Ausgabe 1, S. tbd. {Link}
- Cappel, Valeska; Kappler, Karolin: Plurality of values in mHealth: Conventions and ethical dilemmas, in Bächle, Thomas Christian; Wernick, Alina (Eds.), The futures of eHealth. Social, ethical and legal challenges, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 2019, S. 31-37. {Link}
- Kappler, Karolin; Noji, Eryk; Vormbusch, Uwe: Performativität in körperlich-leiblichen Selbstvermessungspraktiken, in Rode, Daniel; Stern, Michael (Hrsg.), Self-Tracking, Selfies, Tinder und Co. Konstellationen von Körper, Medien und Selbst in der Gegenwart, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2019, S. 83-99. {Link}
- Kappler, Karolin; Cappel, Valeska: Plurality of Values in mHealth: A conventionalist approach to illustrate the logic of ethical dilemmas, in THE FUTURES OF eHEALTH, Social, legal and ethical challenges, international and interdisciplinary conference, HIIG, 29.-30. April, Berlin, 2019.
- Kappler, Karolin; Cappel, Valeska: Wertepluralität im Bereich mHealth: Eine konventionstheoretische Perspektive zur Veranschaulichung der Logik ethischer Dilemmata, in Session: Digital Health. Big Data und digitale Technologien im Gesundheitswesen und in der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Konferenz „Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften“, 26. November, Jena, 2019.
- Kappler, Karolin; Vormbusch, Uwe: ‘Value-veillance‘: The Social Practices of Valuing Surveillance in Emergency Management, in Boersma, Kees; Fonio, Chiara (Hrsg.), Big Data, Surveillance and Disasters, Routledge, London, New York, 2018, S. 179-197.
- Kappler, Karolin: Dem Körper auf den Leib rücken? (Selbst-)Vermessung von Alltag, Körperwerten und (Epi-)Genetik, in Phänomenologische Forschungen. Schwerpunkt: Phänomenologie und Praxistheorie. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 2017, S. 130-146. {Link}
- Vormbusch, Uwe; Kappler, Karolin: Leibschreiben. Zur medialen Repräsentation des Körperleibes im Feld der Selbstvermessung, in Mämecke, Thorben; Passoth, Jan-H.; Wehner, Josef (Hrsg.). Bedeutende Daten. Modelle, Verfahren und Praxis der Vermessung und Verdatung im Netz. VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2017, S. 207-232. {Link}
- Kappler, Karolin; Noji, Eryk: Healthier, fitter, happier, thinner or what? The emergence and meaning of values, quantities, qualities and norms in self-tracking practices, in 4S/EASST Conference Barcelona – Science and Technology by Other Means, 31. August-03. September, Barcelona, 2016.
- Kappler, Karolin; Noji, Eryk: Körper-Ding-Assemblagen der Selbstvermessung. Theoretische Zugänge im empirischen Vergleich, in 38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 26.-30. September, Bamberg, 2016, 9 Seiten. {Link}