Dr. Daniel Rasch

Daniel Rasch Photo: Klaus Landry

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Rasch researches the institutional incorporation of societal interests in environmental and energy policies, focusing on the content and process dimensions of these policy areas.


2020 - present Senior Researcher at the Chair of Policy Research and Environmental Politics, Institute of Political Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, especially with the research cluster Energy, Environment and Sustainability
2017-2020 Senior Researcher, Chair of Political Science, Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer

Researcher, Chair of Comparative Political Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

2009-2011 Research assistant at the Chairs of Public Administration, Local and Regional Politics and International Relations, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


2016 Dr. rer. soc., Thesis: „Informational lobbying and the effect of frames: a mixed methods approach to study advocacy success in the European Union“, Ruhr- Universität Bochum
2011 MA Social Science, Concentration "Globalization, Transnationalization and Governance", Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2008-2009 University of Stockholm, Erasmus Scholar
2009 BA History and Political Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Research Interests

  • Interest intermediation
  • Policy research
  • Empirical social research



Rasch, D. (2018): Lobbying Success in the European Union. The role of information and frames. Routledge Advances in European Politics. New York: Routledge.

Rasch, D. (2013): Die Finanzmarktregulierung als Spielball von Interessengruppen? Der Einfluss von Interessenverbänden auf die Finanzmarktregulierung am Beispiel der USA und Großbritannien. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.

Edited Books

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (eds.) (2019): National Interest Organizations in the EU Multilevel System. West European Politics Series. Routledge: Oxon.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (eds.) (2017): West European Politics – special issue: multilevel interest representation in the European Union: the role of national interest organizations, (40)5.


Grohs, S. & Rasch, D. (2021): Administrative convergence in the United Nations system? Patterns of administrative reform in four United Nations organizations over time. accepted for Secial Issue in Journal of International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS).

Rasch, D., Spohr, F., Eising, R. & Ress, S. (2020): Uncovering interest group participation in Germany – web collection of written statements in ministries and the parliament. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 9: 330-341.

Rasch, D. (2020): Lobbyregulierung in den deutschen Bundesländern – ein Vergleich. dms – der moderne staat Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 13(2-2020): 344-362.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2017): National interest organizations in EU policy- making. West European Politics, 40(5): 939-956.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2017): Who says what to whom? Alignments and arguments in EU policy-making. West European Politics, 40(5): 956-980 (with Rainer Eising, Patrycja Rozbicka, Mitja Hafner-Fink, Meta Novak, Danica Fink-Hafner).

Hafner-Fink, M. et al. (2016): Giants and dwarfs: The multilevel lobbying strategies of national interest organizations. Teorija in Praksa 53(3): 605-624 (with Mitja Hafner-Fink, Meta Novak, Danica Fink-Hafner, Rainer Eising, Patrycja Rozbicka).

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2015): Institutions, policies, and arguments: context and strategy in EU policy framing. Journal of European Public Policy, Special issue: Legislative Lobbying in Context: The policy and polity determinants of interest group politics in the European Union, 22(4): 516-533.

Börang, F. et al. (2014): Identifying Frames: A Comparison of Research Methods. Interest Groups & Advocacy, 3(2): 188-201 (with Frida Börang, Heike Klüver, Christine Mahoney, Daniel Naurin, Rainer Eising and Patrycja Rozbicka).

Contributions to Anthologies/ Book Chapters

Rasch, D. (to be published in Winter 2021): Methoden der Lobbyismusforschung. In: Karsten Mause und Andreas Polk (eds.): Handbuch Lobbyismus. Wiesbaden: Springer VK.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2015): When Frames Are Not Enough: Consumer Safety and National Interests in EU Financial Market Regulation. In: Volker Schneider and Burkard Eberlein (eds.): Complex Democracy. Varieties, Crisis, and Transformations. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 201-215.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2014): 7. EU financial market regulation and stakeholder consultations. In: Maria Joao Rodriguez and Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou (eds.): The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of the EU Governance, Ashgate, pp. 107-120.

Conference Papers

Rasch, D. (2019): Annual Convention of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW; German Political Science Association) Standing Group Organized Interests, Bochum: „Lobbyregulierung in den deutschen Bundesländern – ein Vergleich”.

Rasch, D. (2019): Research Section Conference of the DVPW Research Section Policy Analysis and Administrative Sciences, Speyer:
„Measuring administrative reform activities in International Public Administrations: A conceptual framework”.

Rasch, D. (2019): Research Section Conference of the DVPW Research Section Policy Analysis and Administrative Sciences, Speyer: „Ministerielle Netzwerke während des Entscheidungsfindungsprozesses der EU: staatliche und nichtstaatliche Informationskooperationen”.

Rasch, D. (2018): DVPW Congress, Frankfurt am Main: „External expertise in decision-making processes: institutional procedures in comparison”.

Rasch, D. (2018): ECPR General Conference, Hamburg: “External expertise in decision-making processes: institutional procedures in comparison”.

Rasch, D., Grohs, S. (2018): ECPR General Conference, Hamburg: “Reforms of international public administrations: how different administrative styles determine organizational reform”.

Rasch, D. (2016): Annual Convention of the DVPW Research Section Methods of Political Science, Mannheim: "Studying advocacy success in the European Union – a mixed methods approach on the effect of frames".

Rasch, D. (2016): ECPR General Conference, Prague: “Studying advocacy success in the European Union – a mixed methods approach on the effect of frames”.

Rasch, D. et al. (2016): ECPR General Conference, Prague: “Multilevel Interest Representation and EU Policy-Making: A Comparative Perspective” (with Patrycja Rozbicka, Rainer Eising, Danica Fink Hafner, Mitja Hafner-Fink, Meta Novak).

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2014): ECPR General Conference, Glasgow: „Institutions, policies, and arguments: context and strategy in EU policy framing”.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2014): Interest Group Politics, Aarhus: „Institutions, policies, and arguments: context and strategy in EU policy framing”.

Rasch, D. (2014): ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Pisa, Methodological Challenges and Contradictory Results in the Study of Interest Groups: “Changing the outcome of EU legislation: Frames and framing strategies in a multilevel- governance perspective”.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2013): ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux: “Policy framing in the EU: A cross-national comparison of multilevel dynamics”.

Eising. R., Rasch, D. & Rozbicka, P. (2013): 3-Country-Conference „Politik der Vielfalt“ ("Politics of Diversity"), Innsbruck: „Framingprozesse im EU-Mehrebenensystem: organisierte Interessen und ihre Frames bei der Regulierung des Finanzmarktes“.

Rasch, D. (2013): International Graduate Conference “Crisis and Governance in Europe: Implications for State, Market and Society”, Speyer: “The tug-war for financial market regulation: interests in the British and American society and what governments made of it”.

Rasch, D. (2012): Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere: “Interest groups, governments and the reform of the financial markets. How governments need interest groups“.

Reviewer for:

  • Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS)
  • Interest Groups & Advocacy (IG&A)
  • Regional and Federal Studies
  • Der moderne Staat (dms)