CEAMeS Researchers attend Conferences in China and Korea

With Linda Glawe, Antonia Reinecke and Michael Murach three CEAMeS-researchers will each attend a couple of conferences and workshops in the next weeks, to present their latest research results. Miss Glawe and Mister Murach will participate in the “2018 China Meeting of the Econometric Society” in Shanghai, China (June, 15-17) and Miss Reinecke and Miss Glawe are going to take part in the “2018 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society” in Seoul, Korea (June 21-23). On the 23rd and 24th of June Michael Murach will attend the “4thHenU/ INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics” hosted by the Henan University in Kaifeng, China.
