Sabine Folz-Weinstein

Email: sabine.folz-weinstein

Phone: +49 2331 987-1774

Room: I 211

Short biography

Mrs Sabine Folz-Weinstein holds a degree in International Business Administration from the Reutlingen University of Technology and Economics and has several years of experience in team and project management, both in medium-sized and in large multinational companies. She was mainly in charge of projects in the field of software development and customization for process automation and optimization.

To combine her practical experience with theoretical knowledge, Mrs Folz-Weinstein studied Computer Science part-time at the FernUniversität in Hagen. After completing her Master's degree, she worked for the Chair of Software Engineering and Theory of Programming at the FernUniversität in Hagen. In November 2023, she joined the research group at the Chair of Data Science.

Research areas:

  • Petri net synthesis and verification
  • Process mining, especially process discovery for partially ordered event logs, and concurrency oracles