Der Beitrag ”Patterns of European bioeconomy policy. Insights from a cross-case study of three policy areas” von den Bio-Ökopoli-Teammitgliedern Thomas Vogelpohl, Katrin Beer, Benjamin Ewert, Daniela Perbandt, Annette Elisabeth Töller und Michael Böcher ist in der Zeitschrift Environmental Politics erschienen.
Anhand der drei Politikbereiche Biokunststoffe, Biokraftstoffe und Bioenergie untersuchen die Autor*innen darin die Muster der Agenda-Setting- und Entscheidungsprozesse der europäischen Bioökonomiepolitik. Unter Anwendung des Ansatzes eigenynamischer politischer Prozesse (AEP) kommen sie dabei zu der Erkenntnis, dass diese politischen Prozesse und ihre Resultate vor allem von den verzwickten Problemstrukturen der Bioökonomie, ihren heterogenen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen, den Pfadabhängigkeiten in den einzelnen Politikbereichen sowie den darauf basierenden, relativ stabilen Akteurskonstellationen geprägt werden.
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The concept of the bioeconomy has risen to great popularity with governments around the world as a new paradigm for a sustainable economy. However, it is still highly contentious what the bioeconomy actually is or should be, which results in a certain vagueness of bioeconomy policy strategies. European bioeconomy policy is a prime example of this. Despite two dedicated bioeconomy strategies, it appears to be highly fragmented and heterogeneous when it comes to concrete political processes and measures. Against this backdrop, we aim to find patterns of European bioeconomy policy by applying the political process-inherent dynamics approach (PIDA) to the three sub-areas of bioplastics, biofuels and bioenergy. Aggregating the respective results, the overarching pattern of European bioeconomy policy is rather shaped by the interplay of specific problem structures, institutional frameworks and actor constellations in its policy sub-areas than by the ambiguous umbrella concept of the bioeconomy.
Vogelpohl, Thomas, Katrin Beer, Benjamin Ewert, Daniela Perbandt, Annette Elisabeth Töller & Michael Böcher (2021). Patterns of European bioeconomy policy. Insights from a cross-case study of three policy areas, Environmental Politics,