• FernUni /
  • Chair of Lifelong Learning

Chair of Lifelong Learning

Photo collage of the teaching area employees Photo: FernUniversität in Hagen
Professor Dr. Uwe Elsholz, Katja Schmidt, Hoai Nam Huynh, Dr. Ariane Neu, Annika Frings, Martina Thomas, Christiane Wittich, Daniela Leckler, Christian Weiher, Helena Kaiser, Tim Eickels, Stefanie Mura, Sonja Breunig, Katharina Kirschbaum-Bökmann

The focus of research and teaching deal with description, analysis and the development of learning processes in companies and universities. The topics are:

  • The relationship between vocational education and employment
  • The transformation of qualification requirements and qualification structures
  • the development and use of new company learning concepts
  • the vocational education and learning, theory-based design of media-based learning in company-based education


[alle Meldungen]


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