
Maurice Kügler has successfully finished the doctoral program at EBS Business School


Successful thesis defense at EBS Business School

Yesterday, our former colleague Maurice Kügler has successfully performed his thesis defense at EBS Business School. His cumulative dissertation is titled "Using Social Software in Enterprises - Empirical Investigations into the Determinants, Use Behaviors, and Consequences". The entire BAS team congratulates Mr. Kügler to the excellent completion of his Ph.D. and wishes him all the best for the upcoming career as a consultant

Thesis defense Maurice Kügler
Professor Hommel (Fachbereichsvertreter), Professor Smolnik (Zweitgutachter), Maurice Kügler, Professorin Diehl (Vorsitzende der Promotionskommission), Professor Falk (Erstgutachter)

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 09.04.2024