Talk by Michael Hartz

On February 24th, 2021, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hartz (Universität des Saarlands) gave a talk about "The column-row property for complete Pick spaces" as part of the research seminar Analysis of the FernUniversität in Hagen. This lecture is partially supported by the COST action Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks.


Show Abstract

Pick's theorem is a century-old theorem in complex analysis about interpolation with bounded analytic functions. This classical result inspired the study of complete Pick spaces, a class of Hilbert function spaces including the Hardy space, the Dirichlet space and the Drury-Arveson space on the ball. They were first studied to understand interpolation problems. More recently, it turned out that many operator theoretic and function theoretic results for the Hardy space in fact extend to more general complete Pick spaces. In a number of cases, these results required an additional hypothesis, called the column-row property. I will talk about why the column-row property is automatic and sketch applications.

Video of the talk

Liza Schonlau | 10.05.2024