DMO Preprints
  1. Hochstättler W: On simple matroids with a unique minimal tropical basis, Technical report (2023) feU-dmo078.24
  2. Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Vertex-Shellings of Euclidean Oriented Matroids , Technical report (2023) feU-dmo075.23
  3. Chidiac L, Hochstättler W: Positroids are 3-colorable, Technical report (2021) feU-dmo070.21
  4. Chidiac L, Hochstättler W: Independent Hyperplanes in Oriented Paving Matroids, Technical report (2021) feU-dmo067.21
  5. Andres SD: Greedy versus recursive greedy: uncorrelated heuristics for the binary paint shop problem,Technical report (2019) feU-dmo064.19
  6. Andres SD, Dross F, Huggan M, Mc Inerney F, Nowakowski RJ: On the complexity of orthogonal colouring games and the NP-completeness of recognising graphs admitting a strictly matched involution, Technical report (2019) feU-dmo060.19
  7. Bergold H, Hochstättler W: On the Geometry of Holmsen's Combinatorial Extension of the Colorful Carathéodory , Technical report (2018) feU-dmo054.18
  8. Albrecht I: Well-Scaling Procedure for Deciding Gammoid Class-Membership of Matroids , Technical report (2018) feU-dmo050.18
  9. Albrecht I: Duality Respecting Representations and Compatible Complexity Measures for Gammoids , Technical report (2018) feU-dmo049.18
  10. Albrecht I: On Finding Some New Excluded Minors for Gammoids, Technical report (2017) feU-dmo045.17
  11. Hochstättler W: Topological Sweeping in Oriented Matroids, Technical report (2016) feU-dmo042.16
  12. Hochstättler W, Kaspar S: Orthogonality Axioms for Infinite Oriented Matroids, Technical report (2015) feU-dmo040.15
  13. Albrecht I, Hochstättler W: Lattice Path Matroids Are 3-Colorable, Technical report (2015) feU-dmo039.15
  14. Albrecht I, Hochstättler W: Simple Gammoids of Rank 3 Have Positive Colines, Technical report (2015) feU-dmo038.15
  15. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: The game colouring number of powers of forests, Technical report (2015) feU-dmo037.15
  16. Altmann D, Grycko E, Hochstättler W, Klützke G: Monotone smoothing of noisy data, Technical report (2014) feU-dmo034.14
  17. Hochstättler W: Towards a flow theory for the dichromatic number, Technical report (2014) feU-dmo032.14
  18. Goddyn LA, Hochstättler W: Nowhere-zero flows in regular matroids and Hadwiger's Conjecture, Technical report (2013) feU-dmo031.13
  19. Andres SD, Börger R: Note on a 1-colouring game on paths and cycles, Technical report (2011) feU-dmo027.11
  20. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: A strong perfect digraph theorem, Technical report (2011) feU-dmo026.11
  21. Hochstättler W: Problems on Bispanners and Block Matroids (Extended Abstract), Technical report (2011) feU-dmo025.11
  22. Hochstättler W: Oriented matroids - from graphs and matroids to polyhedral theory, Technical report (2010) feU-dmo024.10
  23. Hochstättler W: The toric ideal of a cographic matroid is generated by quadrics, Technical report (2010) feU-dmo023.10
  24. Andres SD, Hochstättler W, Merkel M: On a base exchange game on graphs, Technical report (2010) feU-dmo020.10
  25. Hochstättler W: A Hadwiger Conjecture for Hyperplane Arrangements, Technical Report 2009 feU-dmo018.09
  26. Hochstättler W, Merkel M: Short Note on the Number of Partitions of Wheels and Whirls into Two Trees respectively Two Bases, Technical Report 2009 feU-dmo017.09
  27. Andres SD: Game-perfect digraphs - paths and cycles, Technical Report 2009 feU-dmo015.09
  28. Andres SD: Note on sums of binomial coefficients with roots of unity, Technical Report 2009 feU-dmo014.09
  29. Hochstättler W, Nickel R, Schiess D: Mixed Matching Markets, Technical Report (2008) feU-dmo010.08
  30. Hochstättler W, Nickel R: Note on a MaxFlow-MinCut Property for Oriented Matroids, Technical Report (2007) feU-dmo008.07
  31. Hochstättler W, Jin H, Nickel R: The Hungarian Method for a Mixed Matching Market, (2005) feU-dmo004.05